中英對照讀新聞》Bulgarian singer hits high with record-breaking vocals 保加利亞歌手飆高音,音量破紀錄
48-year-old Bulgarian singer Smilyana Zaharieva knew she had a gift when she saw her audience tremble or cry during her performances.
An official Guinness world record confirmed that the she has one of the most powerful voices on the planet, by achieving the loudest mezzo-soprano vocal note. "When I saw the monitor reading 113.8 decibels, it surprised me."
Irish teacher Annalisa Flanagan holds the world’s loudest shouting record with 121 decibels, but there was no previous singing record.
Zaharieva had to sing in a quiet studio and go over 110 dB and to hold the note for a minimum of five seconds, with the sound meter placed 2.5 meters away from her.
According to popular noise level charts, Zaharieva’s achievement of 113.8 dB roughly amounts to the same loudness at a rock concert, a symphony orchestra or an emergency vehicle siren. "The Bulgarian folklore voice is characterized by its power," says a choir master. (AFP)