| 美式英文 | 英式英文 |
P | Pacifier | Baby’s dummy |
Pack rat | Hoarder | |
Pancake turner | Fish slice | |
Panhandler | Beggar | |
Pantie hose | Tights | |
Pants | Trousers | |
Paper | Money | |
Paraffin | Paraffin wax (paraffin as used in Britain | |
| is kerosene in America ) | |
Parakeet | Budgerigar | |
Parka | Anorak | |
Parking lot | Car park | |
Parkway | Main thoroughfare, usually lined with trees | |
Parley | Conference | |
Parlor car | First-class railway carriage with individual seats | |
Pass | Overtake | |
Patrolman | Policeman | |
Patrol wagon | Black Maria | |
Pavement | Road | |
Pay dirt | Mineral rich soil e.g. discovered by a prospector | |
Pay station | Telephone call box | |
Peeler | Striptease dancer | |
Penitentiary | Prison | |
Period(punctuation) | Full stop | |
Person-to-person | Personal call | |
Phonograph | Record player | |
Pick-up truck | Open back lorry | |
Pinkie | Little finger | |
Pit(fruit) | Stone | |
Pitcher | Jug | |
Pizazz | Spark, vitality | |
Pony | Crib( for exams) | |
Pony up | To pay a debt | |
Pooch | Dog | |
Popsicle | Ice lolly on a stick | |
Pot holders /gloves | Oven gloves/ cloth | |
Potato chips | Crisps | |
Pot roast | Meat dish cooked in a casserole | |
Powdered sugar/ |
| |
confectioner’s sugar | Icing sugar | |
Precinct | District | |
President (business) | Chairman | |
Private school | Public school/ private school | |
Produce | Greengroceries (fruit and vegetables) | |
Prom | School/university dance (from promenade) | |
Prowl car | Police patrol car | |
Public school | State school | |
Pull-off | Lay-by | |
Purse/ pocket book | Handbag (a purse as in Britain is a change | |
| Purse in America) | |
Pushcart | Wheelbarrow | |
Q | Quarter | 25-cent coin |
Quarterback | Important position in American football | |
Quirt | Riding whip | |
R | Raft | Large amount |
Railroad | Railway (to force) | |
Raincheck | Postponement | |
Raise | Rise- pay rise | |
Raisin | Sultana | |
Raisin bread | Currant bread | |
Realtor/ real estate agent | Estate agent | |
Rear view mirror | Wing mirror | |
Recess | Break (e.g. between classes) | |
Redcap | Railway porter | |
Redneck | Ignorant person | |
Rest room | Toilet/ cloakroom | |
Résumé | Curriculum vitae | |
Revenue officer | Official who upholds the law against the | |
| Illegal production of alcohol | |
Review | Revise e.g. for exams | |
Rhinestone | diamanté | |
Ride | Harass, tease | |
Ringer | Look-alike | |
Rinky-dink | Inexpensive, cheap | |
Roller coaster | Big dipper | |
Rookie | Novice | |
Roomer | Lodger | |
Root beer | A soft, non – alcoholic drink | |
Round trip ticket | Return ticket | |
Rubber | Condom | |
Rummage sale | Jumble sale |
- Nov 14 Wed 2012 18:35
美式英文和英式英文的區分 (P-R)