
搶救老樹的101種方法 (下)


上禮拜我們看到,以燻蒸法用農藥為土壤殺菌這樣的外科手術,來根治罹患樹癌的樹,是農委會林業試驗所推廣的。但用農藥治病是必然嗎? 有位樹醫企圖要用自然醫學顛覆農藥治病的慣習。




[[中興大學園藝系 劉東啟 副教授]]
“這個1.5米的洞,一樣不會滲水,代表這裡的土壤,它的夯實是已經到達1.5米左右, 所以這個深度還不夠,我們要繼續再往下打,所以到底一棵樹的整治,它的土壤的深度要到多深呢,不是我們決定的,是土壤來決定”


台中月眉糖廠旁的這棵大樟公,相傳已經有1400年的高齡, 是月眉的地標,但近幾年卻開始快速衰弱,地方人士十分憂心大樟公的健康,請了許多樹醫來醫治,還幫大樟公動了好幾次的外科手術。


[[中興大學園藝系 劉東啟 副教授]]
“這個部分在國外呢,已經有非常多的調查,沒有一棵樹, 做了外科手術是復原的,所以美國在1990年代,已經全面的禁止樹的外科手術,那我們也希望我們的政府,實驗單位跟樹木保育單位,不要再推動這樣的保育方法,因為這對樹只有害”


[[中興大學園藝系 劉東啟 副教授]]

築花台、鋪透水磚, 讓樹原本的根頭,深埋在地底下一公尺半的地方,劉東啟最後想到,以強力水刀的方式來治療,也許能夠讓老樹恢復生機,這個想法獲得大樟公旁,福德祠委員會大力支持,砸了近三百萬,讓劉東啟做試驗,成就了治療樹木的水刀療法,最終也讓大樟公恢復生機


[[台中中興扶輪社救樹團 許叔蓀 志工]]


[[中興大學園藝系 劉東啟 副教授]]
“就像我們常常醫治一棵褐根病的樹,可是鄰近的樹全部都沒有褐根病啊,因為它沒有得褐根病的條件,而不是沒有這個孢子,孢子是土壤裡面到處都是的,所以褐根病基本都好發在哪裡,施作了大量的工程,或者是長期踐踏 硬土壤的樹”


[[中興大學園藝系 劉東啟 副教授]]



[[農委會林試所 黃裕星 所長]]


Local expert experiments with natural treatment to save trees (2013/05/12)

Last week we examined how tree doctors save diseased trees through pesticides and pruning. Unfortunately, these procedures are of little help to trees suffering root damage. And according to tree expert Liu Dong-chi, root damage is the cause of most tree problems. Liu advocates a natural approach to saving roots which he feels can bring back health even to diseased trees. 

Last week we saw how fumigation and pesticides mixed in soil can help trees battle disease, a technique promoted by the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. Some believe pesticides are the best method, but a tree doctor in Taiwan advocates natural treatments. 

Nantou’s Sun Moon Lake area is known for its beauty, but just under the surface is a hidden crisis. Almost every tree in this area is infected with disease. The Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Administration has begun working with Liu Dong-chi, an associate professor at National Chung Hsing University, on ways to treat these trees. 

Bringing trees back to life may be something that is easier said than done. But Liu believes that a water cutting technique can do the trick.

Liu’s 1.5-meter long water jet is a novel device that does not hurt the trees.

Liu Dong-chi
National Chung Hsing University
Water won’t seep into the 1.5-meter hole, meaning the dirt is compacted to about 1.5 meters. The hole is not deep enough, so we need to continue going down further. When treating a tree, we don’t decide how deep into the soil to go. The soil decides this.

Using water jets to drill holes around these trees is only effective when water doesn’t gather on the surface. By looking at the water condition, Liu can determine if treatment was effective. He relies on experience gained over the years, always referring back to a large camphor tree that defied treatment.

Tradition has it that this camphor tree next to Taichung’s Yuehmei月眉 Sugar Factory is 1,400 years old. It is a local landmark. In recent years the tree has weakened, with local people worried about its health. A series of tree doctors were brought in, with many performing extensive treatment.

The tree doctors removed rotten parts and filled empty spaces with resin or Styrofoam. They believed this treatment would halt decay. Liu balked at it.

Liu Dong-chi
National Chung Hsing University 
Overseas there has been a lot of research into wound dressing to save trees and there hasn’t been a successful example. For this reason, the United States prohibited it in the 1990s. We hope that our government, laboratories and forestry conservation groups also stop using this method because it only harms the trees.

Liu believes the real problem is not in the rotting limbs but on the ground surface, in the rocks and bricks that are thought to be permeable to air and water.

Liu Dong-chi
National Chung Hsing University 
These permeable bricks are the problem. They look permeable to water, but the layer below has been compacted so water can only pass through the brick but no deeper. This construction near the tree is the problem. The government thought it was helping the trees, but these bricks are actually the main culprit.

Using permeable bricks to create this floral area has caused the tree’s roots to become buried 1.5 meters below the surface. Liu decided to use this water jet to help revive this old tree. A nearby temple contributed NT$3 million to the effort. The treatment proved successful and the tree was successfully revived.

Volunteers associated with Taichung’s Rotary Club are impressed with Liu’s methods of saving local trees

Hsu Hsu-sun
Rotary Club Volunteer 
The Rotary Club called for volunteers to help (Liu) rescue these old trees. What’s most important is the guidance we get from Dr. Liu’s correct technique. This is something we want to promote on a larger scale.

Not using medication, and only relying on the self-healing ability of the trees themselves, is a concept that Liu is promoting. Using a water jet to probe the roots of these trees is the simple principle that Liu hopes can stop the problem of brown root rot.

Liu Dong-chi
National Chung Hsing University 
We often treat a tree for brown root rot, but neighboring trees are not suffering from this problem because they are not susceptible to it. It is not the spores because they’re in the soil everywhere. It has to do with surrounding conditions and construction work. Many of these trees are suffering from long-term trampling of the soil.

Liu believes that a healthy tree cannot easily develop brown root rot and that trees only become sick after changes take place in the environment. He says pesticides like Dazomet should only be used as a last resort.

Liu Dong-chi
National Chung Hsing University 
(Workers) in the past used fumigation because it was fast. But it can be painful for the person who carries out the treatment because the high toxicity can cause the worker to also become poisoned. 

According to an entry in a Japan pesticide dictionary, Dazomet is highly toxic and its used was banned in 2001. 

Besides treating sick trees, many people feel there needs to be more debate on how to maintain healthy ones. In local governments pruning of trees is often carried out by people who manage parks and street lighting. They can make mistakes that cause trees to topple or branches to fall and hit people. The Council of Agriculture has suggested following the example of Japan and the United States in offering courses on tree pruning and maintenance. These courses would lead to professional licenses.

Huang Yu-hsing
Forestry Research Institute
We hope to follow these mechanisms to establish our own system for tree doctors and technicians. We have asked the Council of Labor Affairs to include tree maintenance or treatment in its training and testing programs for level 3 technicians.

The Forestry Research Institute says that this system has yet to be finalized. But Liu is concerned. He understands that the intents are good, but does not think a comprehensive system to save and treat trees can be implemented at once. He feels people need to consider treating trees as a duty rather than a profession. Then more people will participate in tree conservation, turning it into a sustainable pursuit.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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