接電話 | 發表意見、決定 |
1.你是那位?Who is calling? |
1. 這個尺寸適合你。This is the right size for you. |
2.你能說的稍慢一點嗎?Will you speak more slowly? |
2. 你很適合穿哪件短衫。You look so nice in that blouse. |
3.請稍等。One moment, please. |
3. 你穿籃色要好看點。You look good in blue . |
4.要我轉告什麼嗎?May I take a message? |
4. 為什麼不使試試另外一半呢?Why don't you try another one ? |
5.要我讓他給你回電話嗎?Shall l have him call you back? |
5. 我就要買這個。 I think I'll take it |
計程車資之交談 | 詢問對方的安排 |
1.多少錢?How much? |
1. 我們想請你吃晚餐。We'd like to invite you for dinner. |
2.計程車招呼站在哪兒?Where's the taxi stand? |
2.下週五晚上你有時間嗎?Do you have time next Friday evening? |
3.不用找錢了。Keep the change. |
3 .你的安排沒受到影響吧?Will it be all right with you? |
4.不用了,謝謝。No, thank you. |
4 .真高興聽到那個。I'm so happy to hear. |
5.你說什麼?Excuse me? |
5 .我們全家想見見你。My whole family wants to meet you. |