[[軍醫局長 張德明]]
Family, hospital at odds over procedures used to clear soldier for punishment (2013/07/19)
Dispute rages on between the military and family members of a dead soldier. Central to the case is Staff Sergeant Fan Tso-hsien, who played a role in delivering the harsh punishment to Corporal Hung Chung-chiu that ended up killing him. The victim’s family believes the sergeant bribed staff at a military hospital to gain the medical documents needed to punish Hung.
The family’s claim is based on this footage from June 27 at 11:14 am. It says the man in the white shirt is Fan Tso-hsien, a staff sergeant in the 542 Armor Brigade. He is buying drinks from a shop on Hsinchu’s Zhongzheng Road. Six minutes later he leaves, to deliver the beverages to staff at the 813 military hospital as a bribe for speeding passage of Hung’s medical report. The hospital denies this account.
Chang Deh-ming
MND Medical Affairs Bureau
Those drinks were bought by their own nurses. The nurses feel these reports are unfair and that they’ve been misunderstood.
The 813 military hospital produced footage of its own, taken on the same day. It shows Sergeant Fan entering the hospital at 10:57 am and not leaving until 11:21 am. The hospital asks: How could Fan have appeared in the beverage shop at 11:14?
Nevertheless, an executive of the beverage chain insists that the person in the shop’s recording is Sergeant Fan. Shop attendants aren’t so sure. They don’t remember who they served.
Military prosecutors have also entered the fray to criticize the beverage chain. They had made earlier requests for surveillance records from the shop but were told that the footage was already deleted.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞