自由時報引述里昂證券的外資分析報告,說馬英九會輸掉2012大選。里昴證券的原文:「We maintain the view we proposed last June, that the 2012 Presidential election is the KMT's to lose.」自由時報搞錯了,剛好讓我們有個機會,看看這個很容易搞錯的英文。
我們來說一說"someone's to lose"? 這個用法。
希拉蕊競選美國總統時,《The Economist》有一篇報導:The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose。這一句中文要怎樣翻譯?用簡單英文可怎樣改寫?
英文有have nothing to lose這說法,表示「不會有損失」,例如:A nobody, the young man had nothing to lose and everything to gain in challenging the boxing champion (那年輕人是個無名小卒,向冠軍拳師挑戰,有百利而無一害)。什麼都沒有的人,沒有什麼可以「失去」。
報導是說,希拉蕊競選美國總統,勝算在握,除非她犯嚴重過失,煮熟的鴨子才會飛走。相當於Hillary Clinton almost has the American presidency in her hands。《the Economist》這個預測顯然失準。
To be somebody's to lose這說法不限於選舉。The job is yours to lose.
這份工作非你莫屬,大好機會就在眼前,你卻不懂得把握,事後可以說:The opportunity was mine to lose, and lose it I did! 本來非你莫屬的,沒有把握好,還是可能會丟!
文章出處 :http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/article