A desperate German woman finally called emergency services to rescue her after a friend visiting her at her apartment talked for 30 hours straight, authorities said last week.
A police spokesperson in the western city of Speyer confirmed reports about the case, in which the guest rambled on about personal problems and became increasingly intoxicated until the 48-year-old dialled the emergency hotline.
"After an unbelievable 30 hours and failed attempts to encourage the guest to leave last Saturday, the woman did not know what else to do but to call an ambulance," the police said.
When the paramedics refused to carry the guest out of the apartment, the woman called the police, who picked up the friend and drove her home.
The spokesperson said the guest would face no criminal charges.
ramble on︰片語,沒完沒了的漫談或聊天。例句︰She rambled on about her uninteresting affairs.(她沒完沒了地漫談她那平淡無趣的私事。)
intoxicate︰動詞,使喝醉、使陶醉、使欣喜若狂。例句︰The scent of the lily intoxicated me.(百合花的香味使我陶醉。)
pick up︰片語,把~帶上車。例句︰I will pick you up at your house.(我會開車去你家接你。)
文章出處:<a href="http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞