中職25年轉播權確定! 博斯運動網獲得包括有線無線新媒體的全數轉播權,製作工程則由民視負責;面對十七年來首度沒有有線電視台轉播,博斯也表示,將尋求上架有線頻道,而跨國媒體代理商MP&Silva也引進了韓國的專業轉播團隊,將和民視合作,呈現最佳的製播品質給球迷。
[[跨國媒體代理商台灣區總監 陳佩芝]]
[[跨國媒體代理商台灣區總監 陳佩芝]]
An agreement between the Bo-si sports network and Taiwan’s professional baseball league means that local baseball games this coming season will only be available on MOD. But the distributor of the games says that in the future, Bo-si will broadcast games on cable in order to reach more fans.
Professional Taiwan baseball games will reach viewers through cooperation between the Bo-si sports network, FTV and the international media rights company MP and Silva.
Chen Pei-chih
Sports Content Distributor
Besides MOD, the Bo-si sports network will be available on cable in order to reach more sports fans, says the Taiwan director of MP and Silva, Chen Pei-chih.
FTV will be responsible for production.
Chen Pei-chih
Sports Content Distributor
FTV is confirmed as the production team, and three senior producers from NBC Sports Channel South Korea were invited to share experiences with our production team during spring training exhibition games, says Chen. We hope to give CPBL fans a whole new viewing experience.
The cooperative effort is expected to lead to high quality programming for sports fans.