The city of Keelung is about to get a special new resident——an air-filled sculpture that measures 18 meters in height called Rubber Duck. The gigantic, bright yellow bath toy will be splashing around the harbor for six weeks from December 2013 to the end of January 2014. This custom-made Rubber Duck is one of several created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. It is 1.5 meters taller than the one that visited Hong Kong from May to June in 2013. What’s more, it will be donated to the city after its much anticipated exhibition.
基隆市將有一位特別的新居民—— 一個稱為黃色小鴨、高十八米的充氣雕塑物。從 2013 年十二月到 2014 年一月底,這個巨大、鮮黃色的沐浴玩具將繞著基隆港嘩啦啦地游行六週。這個訂製的黃色小鴨是荷蘭藝術家弗洛倫泰因•霍夫曼創作的幾個作品之一。它比 2013 年五月到六月參訪香港的那隻黃色小鴨高出一點五米。此外,在這令人期待的展期結束後,它將捐給基隆市。
生活必備字詞be about to V 即將……,正要……
splash [ splAS ] vi. 濺起水花
custom-made [ `kVstJm:med ] a. 訂製的,訂做的
be donated to... 被贈與給……
A rare World War II aircraft was donated to the museum.