[[財政部長 張盛和]]
[[房仲業董事長 王應傑]]
According to the finance minister, several of Taiwan’s wealthiest back proposed tax increases that would raise the highest marginal tax rate from 40 to 45 percent. The measure passed legislative committee yesterday but still has to be approved in two plenary votes.
There about 9,500 people in Taiwan with net annual income over NT$10 million. Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford says he’s not worried about a backlash that could result from asking them to pay more in taxes.
Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
Mr. Morris Chang, Mr. Terry Gou, Mr. Wang Ying-chieh of Eastern Realty and Mr. Bruce Chen of Delta Electronics have all expressed support by saying the money they donate is more than the extra tax. I have a great deal of respect for them.
Wang described paying more in taxes as a kind of moral responsibility.
Wang Ying-chieh
Real Estate Executive
I may have to pay an extra million or two a year. More important is this will bring greater harmony to Taiwanese society and reduce the wealth gap.
The proposed tax changes would lower payments for nearly 5 million taxpayers while still bringing in additional revenue for the treasury.