Chris has found a way to cope with the coronavirus pandemic:A new tattoo on his own body for every day of the lockdown.
Sitting on the sofa in his flat in Walthamstow, London, Chris Woodhead is trying to find space to add another tattoo to his already crowded body. There is little unmarked skin left - from the tips of his fingers to the soles of his feet, almost every inch is covered in a vast jumble of tattoos of different styles.
At the beginning of the lockdown, Chris had around 1,000 designs on his body. Now he has 40 more and counting. On the creased skin of the sole of his left foot, Chris has written the words, "WHEN WILL IT END?" At the bottom of his right leg there’s a spherical Coronavirus particle. On his sternum - a place where it "feels like you’re going straight into the bone" - Chris withstood the pain to tattoo his own homage to the National Health Service.