


“(網路上)看到有人拍照,就是照到我們這邊(天人菊花海) ,想說平常在路邊都有 ,但好像沒有看過這麼大片 這麼漂亮的”


[[澎縣府林務公園所長 許翠玲]]
“都看的到很多觀光客在拍照 ,事實上,它也有提高澎湖的觀光能見度”


The Penghu County government has begun to see benefits of a program that involves clearing invasive plant species to make way for flowers. Tourists attracted to the archipelago’s beautiful landscape are posting photos online and in turn encouraging more tourists to visit. 

Perennials known by the name “firewheel” fill the landscape with streaks of red and yellow. The beauty of this sea of flowers attracts amateur photographers to Penghu.

Amateur Photographer
I saw photographs of this field online. Often I see these flowers beside the road, but I hadn’t seen such big and beautiful ones.

This is white popinac. In the past, local residents used it as fuel to boil water, but now it is seen as an invasive species that crowds out other plants. Last year, the Penghu County government cleared 13 hectares and spent more than NT$3 million planting more desirable species, such as the firewheel plants seen today.

Hsu Tsui-ling
Penghu Forestry and Park Management
You can see many tourists taking photos. These resources increase visibility of Penghu’s tourism industry.

This year Penghu plans to clear another 20 hectares of white popinac fields. It will continue to plant flowers in order to encourage more tourists to visit.


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