[[101發言人 劉家豪]]
[[歌手 信]]
除了五月天和阿信;還有反核不遺餘力的歌手陳昇;在台東開唱, 並為美麗灣環評發聲的張震嶽;及在高雄晚會壓軸,勇敢說出反媒體壟斷的蘇打綠主唱青峰,都宣揚社會運動理念。
New Year's Eve celebrations took on a social conscious this year as entertainers used the stage to oppose nuclear energy, development projects and a growing media monopoly.
The French-led fireworks at Taipei 101 bid a brilliant farewell to 2012. However, the lasting impression could be the final 10 seconds when an anti-nuclear image was projected onto the lower floors of the building. The action was part of a global protest and did not affect the fireworks show, though Taipei 101 said it did not rule out pursuing legal action.
Michael Liu
Taipei 101 Spokesman
There was no prior communication (with this group). In fact, we consider it misconduct and have discussed the issue with our lawyers.
Performing artists joined in anti-nuclear protests across the island. During Mayday’s performance in Kaohsiung, a video backdrop showed anti-nuclear images. In Hsinchu the singer Shin made an impassioned plea to end nuclear energy in Taiwan.
Taiwan has two of the three most dangerous nuclear power plants in the world. I hope everyone can take a moment to consider this carefully. Do we have to continue relying on nuclear power for our future?
Singer Bobby Chen joined the anti-nuclear protest in his New Year’s performance and Chang Chen-yue voiced his opposition to a Meiliwan development project. Sodagreen lead singer Wu Ching-feng lent his voice to oppose the monopolization of Taiwan’s media at a Kaohsiung New Year’s Eve concert.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞