才剛結束元旦四天連假,包括合歡山、太平山、 奧萬大和八仙山等山莊住宿費,可能都要漲價!其中又以熱門賞楓景點,南投奧萬大的住宿費漲最兇,原本一間四人房,平日價只要2300元,一口氣要漲到6800元,漲幅快兩倍。
It’s back to business following the New Year holiday. Here are some changes to expect in 2013.
Passport Rush
On Jan. 1 the price of ROC passports with a computer chip fell by NT$300, to NT$1,300 for adults and NT$900 for children. On the first work day since the New Year’s holiday, applicants at the Bureau of Consular Affairs were more than triple the usual number.
Too Much Shopping
After more than 2 million trips to Taiwan last year by Chinese tourists, the Tourism Bureau conducted visitor surveys. The number one complaint: too many shopping trips and too much time spent shopping. Some even said shopkeepers compelled them to buy goods. The bureau is apparently considering reducing shopping spots and limiting time spent at each to 50 minutes. Predictably shops and tour operators are opposed.
Villa Rate Hike
Government-run mountain villas could soon become more expensive. The Forestry Bureau wants to hike prices at its villas on Hehuan, Taiping and Basian mountains. If the cabinet approves the plan, the highest increases would be seen at Nantou’s Auwanda. A four-person suite at the popular maple tree forest costs NT$2,300 on weekdays but could go up to NT$6,800.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞