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Can Solar Power Be Cheap? 太陽能發電能變便宜嗎?


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/


New technologies will be needed for photovoltaics to become cheap.


Fact 1The primary ingredient of most solar panels is purified sand. Fact 2Enough sunlight hits the Earth in an hour to provide all of humanity’s energy needs for a year. So why isn’t solar power cheap and abundant?


For starters, building a device capable of turning incoming photons into electricity isn’t cheap. Add in installation and the cost of a solar system can still be more than $10 per watt of electricity produced. That’s much higher than the cost per watt from burning coal or natural gas.


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Kenneth Blanchard (作家)


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”

– Kenneth Blanchard, Writer

「今日成功領導的關鍵是影響力,而非權力。」肯‧布蘭查 (作家)

 “today” 這裡指的是「今日、現今」,”influence” 是「影響」,”authority” 是「權力、權威」。有同樣字根的 “authorize” “authorization” 皆是「授權、批淮」的意思,但前者為動詞,後者為名詞。

肯‧布蘭查 (1939- ) 是美國著名的作家及管理學家,已合著了超過 30 本暢銷書籍,他的 The One Minute Manager (一分鐘經理) 在全球已銷售超過 1300 萬冊,翻譯成 37 種語言。


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Emeril Lagasse (廚師)


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“Life just doesn’t hand you things. You have to get out there and make things happen. That’s the exciting part.”

– Emeril Lagasse, chef

「人生不會直接給你東西,你必須走出去使事情發生,而這正是令人興奮的部分。」艾默利‧拉加西 (廚師)

“hand” 這裡當動詞用,是「給與」的意思,”hand in” 是「提出、繳交」的意思。”get out there” 就是「走出去」,”make things happen” 是「使事情發生」,都是常用片語。

艾默利‧拉加西 (1959- ) 為美國名人廚師,在料理節目中因談吐幽默風趣而廣受歡迎,以他姓氏 Emeril 為註冊商標的餐廳及產品每年可帶進 1 5000 萬美金的營業額。

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Aristotle (哲學家)


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit.”

– Aristotle, Philosopher

「我們重覆的行為造就了我們,卓越因此不是一個行為,而是一個習慣。」亞里斯多德 (哲學家)

Be 動詞就是「等於」的意思,而第一句的動詞 “are” 我們就可以 “=” 來解釋。”what we repeatedly do” 是個名詞子句。”repeatedly” 「重覆地」是副詞,修飾動詞 “do”,它的字根是 “repeat”,為動詞,”repeated” 則是形容詞 (過去分詞)

亞里斯多德 (384 BC – 322 BC) 是古希臘哲學家,為柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大的老師,是西方哲學思想的主要奠基者之一。

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Weird Hotels from around the World



英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/


There is no shortage of unique places to stay when you head out on vacation. There are hotels, youth hostels, B&Bs, home stays, and more. Each serves a different kind of traveler. A youth hostel is good for young backpackers. A B&B might be best for couples or anybody that likes peace and quiet.
For travelers who are bookworms, the Library Hotel in New York City is a must-see. Each of the hotel’s 60 rooms is filled with books. In fact, the hotel has 6,000 books in all. What’s more, each of the floors is dedicated to a specific category of the Dewey Decimal System. If history is your thing, the ninth floor is for you. People who love technology will want to stay on the sixth floor. Philosophers will feel at home on the 11th floor.

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Tomatoes important in prostate cancer prevention 番茄對預防攝護腺癌很重要


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/


Eating tomatoes may lower the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests. Men who consume more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week reduce their risk by about 20%, according to a UK study. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with 35,000 new cases and around 10,000 deaths in the UK every year.




Cancer experts recommend eating a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt.


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Sallust (歷史學家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“All men who deliberate on controversial matters should do it free of hate, friendship, anger and pity.”

– Sallust, historian

「在商討具有爭議性話題時,所有人都應在沒有仇恨、友誼、氣憤、及憐憫的情況下進行。」薩盧斯特 (歷史學家)

“deliberate” 這裡是「商討研議」的意思。”controversial” 是「有爭議的」。

薩盧斯特 (86-34 BC) 是凱撒大帝的政治盟友,他晚年的歷史著作讓後人對於羅馬史有更深入的了解。

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Joe Torre (職棒教練)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“We can learn from past failures and mistakes, but we shouldn’t get stuck there. We can keep future goals in mind, but we shouldn’t get stuck there, either. The only way to reach our potential is to focus on what we must do now – this moment, this day – to perform effectively and win.”

– Joe Torre, Baseball Manager

「我們可以從過去的失敗和錯誤中學習,但我們不應該停留在那裡。我們可以把未來的目標放在心裡,但我們也不應該停留在那裡。唯一發揮我們潛力的方法是集中注意力在現在此時此刻,這一天需要做的事情,有效的執行且獲得勝利。」喬‧托瑞 (職棒教練)

“get stuck” 原意是「卡住、困住」的意思,”potential” 是「潛能、潛力」,”focus on…” 是「集中注意力於」,”perform” 是代表一個動作,是「演出、執行」的意思。”this moment, this day” 的前後有 “-” 這個符號,是英文的「掛號」,裡面的字是在「補充說明」,也就是如果不看裡面的字,意思還是通的:The only way to reach our potential is to focus on what we must do now to perform effectively and win.

喬‧托瑞 (1940- ) 是前美國職棒大聯盟明星球員,退休後則任大聯盟球隊教練,1996-2007 年擔任紐約洋基隊總教練,奪得 4 次總冠軍,他也是將王建民帶進世界舞台的重大推手。


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/


Alpacas are rather adorable looking animals with soft, silky fleece. They are similar in appearance to llamas but too small to be used to carry large objects. Alpacas have been raised for thousands of years in South America for their wool and meat. Raised mainly in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile, alpacas are also now seen in North America and other parts of the world.
Alpaca fleece is used similarly to sheep wool, with the material made into sweaters, scarves, as well as other types of clothing and bedding. One of the benefits of alpaca fleece is that it does not contain lanolin. For some people, lanolin, which is found in sheep wool, causes allergic reactions. Alpaca fleece comes in numerous colors as well. The ancient Incas considered alpaca fleece fit for royalty.

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The Record-Breaking Book of World Records
世界之最 《金氏世界紀錄大全》

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the owner of Guinness Brewery, was hunting in the Irish countryside. A fast bird flew by and he confidently took aim, fired his trusty rifle, and missed. He then started to argue with his companions about which are the fastest game birds in Europe. After arguing for several hours, he realized there was no reference book to settle the argument. It was at that moment that the seeds of the Guinness Book of World Records were planted. Sir Beaver believed that his customers drinking his beer in the pubs around Europe were probably spending a lot of time arguing about similar questions. Sir Beaver then employed some London-based researchers to bring his dream to life.

1951 年,健力士酒廠董事休•比佛爵士在愛爾蘭鄉間打獵。一隻鳥很快地飛過去,休•比佛爵士信心滿滿地瞄準了那隻鳥、用他可靠的步槍射向鳥兒,結果沒打中。然後他開始和他同行的友人們爭論,哪一種才是歐洲飛行速度最快的獵鳥。爭論了數小時後,他瞭解到並沒有可供參考的書籍來平息這場爭辯。正是此刻為《金氏世界紀錄大全》一書灑下了種子。休•比佛爵士認為在歐洲各地酒吧喝他廠牌啤酒的顧客們,也有可能會花許多時間爭論類似的問題。於是休•比佛爵士雇用了一些在倫敦的研究人員來實現他的夢想。

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Vince Lombardi (球隊教練)



“If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.”

– Vince Lombardi, American football Coach

「假若你沒有犯錯,你就是不夠努力。」文斯‧隆巴迪 (美式足球教練)

“mistake” 是「錯誤」,”trying hard” 是「努力嘗試」,也就是「努力」。

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3D奇幻美術館 不思議




Art galleries are not for everyone. Sometimes children become bored looking at paintings from hundreds of years ago. At the Art in Paradise Museum in Thailand, art comes alive and allows for a fun experience that children will especially love. The museum was created by 13 South Korean artists and can be found in four cities across Thailand. All of the Art in Paradise galleries are made to look like a 3D playground because the artists have cleverly used borders and shading, so it looks like the art is really jumping out of the wall.
While many museums and galleries don’t allow the use of cameras, Art in Paradise actually encourages it. There are even stickers on the floors that act as markers to tell people where to stand for the best photo opportunity.

並不是每一個人都喜歡畫廊。有時孩子們會對盯著數百年以前的畫作感到枯燥乏味。在泰國的 3D 立體美術館中,這些藝術創作皆栩栩如生,提供尤其深受孩子們喜愛的好玩體驗。該美術館由十三位南韓畫家創立,在泰國有四座城市都可見到這樣的美術館。所有的 3D 立體美術館皆被打造成看起來像 3D 遊樂場,因為這些畫家巧妙地運用邊線和明暗法(編按:使用強烈光影對比的繪畫技巧),所以這些藝術創作看起來彷彿真的從牆上跳了出來。
雖然許多美術館和畫廊禁止使用相機,3D 立體美術館實際上卻鼓勵大家拍照。地板上甚至貼有標籤充當記號告訴大家該站在哪兒拍照最好。


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The King of Horror




There are many who consider Stephen King the best horror writer of all time. In the 40 years since his first novel, Carrie , the American author has seen success after success. King has published more than 50 books and sold a combined total of 350 million copies worldwide. In addition, he has received numerous horror and fantasy awards and even one from the Mystery Writers of America. Many of his books and novellas have been adapted for movies and television over the years. King even sometimes makes brief appearances in the films made from his work. King credits seeing the cover of a collection of short stories written by master of horror, HP Lovecraft, as one of his major inspirations for becoming a horror writer.


有許多人認為史蒂芬•金是有史以來最棒的恐怖小說作家。從他的第一本小說《魔女嘉莉》問世至今四十年來,這位美國作家屢屢獲得成功。史蒂芬•金已出版了五十多本書,而且全球總計賣出了三億五千萬本。此外,他已獲得許多恐怖與奇幻小說獎,其中一個獎甚至是美國推理小說作家協會頒發的。多年來,他的許多書和中篇小說已被改編成電影及電視劇。史蒂芬•金有時候甚至會在改編自他的作品的電影中露臉一下。史蒂芬•金看到恐怖小說大師 HP 洛夫克拉夫特一系列短篇故事的封面,他把這點歸功成是使他成為恐怖小說作家的主要靈感來源之一。


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The World of Marvel is Dominating the Globe



英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

Audiences everywhere have flocked to theaters to see their favorite Marvel heroes in live-action films. Captain America: Winter Soldier , in the month of April of this year alone, earned US$476.7 million worldwide. This was just one of several Marvel releases for 2014. It is important to note, however, that Marvel's global and financial dominance at the box office did not begin this way.
First founded in 1939 as Timely Comics, Marvel was a little-known publishing company in New York. It was not until Martin Goodman, the owner, hired a young Stan Lieber to write for the magazine that things began to change. Lieber's vision and bold new ideas would completely change the company with comics like The Hulk , Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four , and many more.

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/

May Myat Noe, the first Myanmar beauty queen to win an international beauty pageant, was crowned Miss Asia Pacific World in May 2014.


But she was stripped of her crown for alleged dishonesty and bad behaviour, according to event spokesman in Seoul, South Korea. The sponsoring agency of the beauty contest accused her of running away with the bejeweled tiara, reportedly worth $100,000, from South Korea after the contest and also claimed to have paid $10,000 for her breast implants.


May Myat Noe fought back against the allegations, telling a news conference that the organization had dethroned for no reason. She denied having had plastic surgery, and claimed that she did not even know that she had been dethroned before she boarded a plane for Myanmar.


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英文名人名言佳句-Wilma Rudolph (運動員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/

“I believe in me more than anything in this world.”

– Wilma Rudolph, Athlete
「在這世界上我最相信的是自己。」– 威爾瑪‧魯道夫 (運動員)

威瑪‧魯道夫 (1940-1994) 為美國第一位在同一奧運會獲得 3 項金牌的女田徑選手,在 1960 年代並被譽為 “the fastest woman on earth” (世界上最快的女人)。她年幼患得小兒麻痺,康復後左腳因長期戴支架而扭曲變形,直至 12 歲才如願移除支架,並開始了她的運動生涯。
她曾說過:“My doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.” (我的醫生告訴我我永遠無法再行走,我媽媽告訴我我可以,我相信我媽媽。)


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

Millionaire Jason Buzi has launched a social media treasure hunt in San Francisco. Participants follow clues posted by Buzi under the Twitter handle @HiddenCash in hopes of locating one of the many hidden cash drops spread throughout the city. Such locations have included parks, beaches, construction sites, and even libraries. Though Buzi first did this secretly, his identity has since become known. His original idea for this project was to bring people together in a positive way. Buzi hopes to inspire other more fortunate people to do more to give back.

富豪傑森• 布茲在舊金山發起了一個社群媒體尋寶遊戲。參與者跟隨布茲用推特帳號「隱藏的現金」的名義所公佈的線索,抱著希望來找出分散在城市各地的許多隱藏現金放置地點之一。這類的地點包括公園、海灘、建築工地,甚至圖書館。雖然布茲第一次這麼做時是秘密地進行,但是他的身分之後便曝光了。他最初做這計畫的想法是想要以正面的方式把大家團結起來。布茲希望能激發其他更幸運的人做更多的事情來回饋大家。


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/

“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

– Sydney J. Harris, Journalist
「為做過的事而後悔會因時間而慢慢平撫,為沒做過的事而後悔卻是無法平撫。」– 哈利斯 (記者)

“regret” 是「後悔」的意思,”temper” 當動詞用的意思是「使緩和」,”inconsolable” 是「無法慰藉的」的意思,它的字根是 “console”,為動詞,是「安慰;撫慰」的意思。
哈利斯 (1917-1986) 為美國《芝加哥日報》及《芝加哥太陽報》記者,他的專欄曾在美國及加拿大多家報紙同時刊登。

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

From ancient times to the modern era, the people of London have used the Thames for many purposes. It has provided fresh drinking water, fresh fish, and acted as the gateway to the world, via the London Docks. In a nutshell, the Thames has done it all.
Since 1997, the River Thames has been celebrated in the annual Mayor’s Thames Festival. The festival started out as a weekend festival, later becoming a 10-day event. It has become so popular in recent years that, in 2014, it will take place for the entire month of September. The festival is responsible for millions of tourists flocking to central London each year. Activities include art, music, and exciting water events.
自 1997 年起,人們以一年一度的泰晤士河節來頌揚泰晤士河。泰晤士河節開始時是僅短短為期一個週末的慶典,後來演變為十天的慶祝活動。近年來泰晤士河節變得越來越受歡迎,2014 年九月的泰晤士河節將舉行整整一個月。泰晤士河節亦是每年數百萬遊客湧入倫敦市中心的原因。慶祝活動包括藝術、音樂和刺激的水上活動。


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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/

“I would never have amounted to anything were it not for adversity. I was forced to come up the hard way.”

– J.C. Penney, Entrepreneur
「若不是因為挫折,我今天不會有任何成就。我是被迫在因難中進步。」– 詹姆斯‧彭尼 (企業家)

第 一句是與過去事實相反的假設語氣。所以結果句要用 「would have + 過去分詞」的形式。”amount”在這邊當動詞用,加 “ed” 變成過去分詞 “amounted”。”amounted to anything”意思是說「成就任何事」。條件句裡的 “adversity” 是「困難、挫折」是意思。”I was forced…” 是被動式句型,意思是「我被強迫…」”come up”是口語,意思是「向上進步」,”the hard way” 意思是「以困難的方式」。
詹姆斯‧彭尼 (1875-1971) 創立美國連鎖百貨公司 J.C. Penny,現為紐約上市公司,現今美國各地的 shopping mall 幾乎都看得到 J.C. Penny。

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