


[[工研院電光所工程師 林尚一]]


[[R&D 100Awards總編輯兼總評審Tim Studt]]

同樣是頭戴式眼鏡,和google glass比一比,戴上google眼鏡,螢幕騰空顯示在眼前,不過要操作還得透過旁邊的鏡架;而戴上工研院的頭戴顯示器,眼前30公分會出現8吋大小的虛擬螢幕,可以直接在螢幕上操作。



The 51st R&D 100 Awards were presented today in the U.S today. One of the big winners was Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute who took three awards. One of the most celebrated inventions is ITRI’s Air Touch which is quite similar to Google Glass, allowing users to view a virtual screen by wearing a pair of specially fitted eyeglasses.

Wearing this thick pair of black eyeglasses and gesticulating in the air with his fingers, this person resembles Robert Downey Jr. of Ironman fame. All of these computer instructions are done with technology that was recently developed by ITRI.

Lin Hsiang-yi
ITRI Engineer 
This Air Touch technology makes use of a virtual screen, making it receptive to touch control.

This technology can accurately detect the position of the finger in the air allowing one to easily navigate and click through a virtual computer screen. This innovation was specially cited for its technical innovation by R&D 100 . 

R & D 100 Awards
I think it just verifies again what ITRI does and what Taiwan is doing over there in terms of creating new technologies.

Air Touch is quite similar to Google Glass, though it differs because Google Glass displays on the eyeglass lens with control on the side of the eyeglass frame. ITRI’s system actually projects an 8-inch virtual screen 30 cm in front of one’s eyes, and one can directly operate and navigate the screen.

At the moment, this innovation can also be used to navigate the Internet as well as make phone calls. Many believe it could see even greater market use in the future as there may be no need for one to actually touch a physical screen as more and more diverse and mobile services are being offered.








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