
由於在麵裡,添加銅葉綠素鈉是違法的,日前南僑旗下蕎麥麵卻被查獲違法添加, 現在風波越演越烈, 因為上游供貨商統園表示, 早就告知下游, 要把天然葉綠素改成銅葉綠素納, 檢方懷疑南僑早就知情, 昨天展開搜索和約談, 訊後,包括南僑副總裁等高層兩人以百萬元交保, 另外, 統一生機生產的統一生機明日葉精力湯, 也因為使用統園的銅葉綠素納, 被開罰二十萬元。

桃園地檢署一整夜燈火通明, 因為檢方搜索南僑化工中壢廠, 台北總公司, 帶回副總裁李堪文, 急凍熟麵部總經理周明芬及中壢廠廠長紀俊男等共十一人,訊後李堪文、周明芬、紀俊男被交保。

這次行動是因為檢方發現,供應南僑銅葉綠素納的上游廠商統園公司, 早在民國九十九年就已經告知下游廠商, 他們所販賣的天然葉綠素就是銅葉綠素納,南橋疑似知情不報,副總裁李堪文訊後,並未做出正面回應。

銅葉綠素納風波沒完沒了, 桃園縣衛生局這一追, 追出了統一標示不實。雖然銅葉綠素加在飲品裡並不違法,但統一旗下的「統一生機明日葉精力湯」,添加銅葉綠素鈉,包裝卻是標示為天然葉綠素。

[[桃園縣衛生局食藥科長 劉麗文]]
“他的部份就是加了銅葉綠素鈉,在他們的明日葉精力湯裡面,但是它外標盒子的外標寫天然葉綠素,明顯的與事實不符,我們這邊依違反食品衛生管理法第28條 ,重罰20萬”

此外,統一旗下號稱專門販售天然有機食品的”聖德科斯”, 也有四款精力湯因為標示天然葉綠素不實, 自行下架。



Uni-President became involved in the recent food scandal after its units added the chemical sodium copper chlorophyllin to soups then labeled it as natural chlorophyll. It is being investigated along with Namchow Chemical Industrial, another downstream company that received the additive from the upstream supplier Toong Yuean Enterprise. 

Taoyuan prosecutors worked day and night yesterday. First they searched the Jungli factory of Namchow Chemical Industrial, along with the company’s Taipei headquarters. Next they questioned 11 employees into the night, later releasing three on bail: Lee Kan-wen, the company vice president, Chou Ming-fen, the general manager of the frozen noodles division, and Ji Jun-nan, the head of the Jungli factory.

The investigation came after the supplier Toong Yuean Enterprise said that in 2010 it told downstream companies that its natural chlorophyll was actually sodium copper chlorophyllin. Namchow stands accused of being aware of this violation but not reporting it; after questioning the vice president wouldn’t tell reporters anything.

The Taoyuan Public Health Bureau also found that Uni-President Organics division uses sodium copper chlorophyllin in one of its soup products. The additive is allowed in soups, but Uni-President didn’t include it on its label.

Liu Li-wen
Section Chief, Taoyuan Health Bureau
They add sodium copper chlorophyllin to their ashitaba soup, but on the package is written natural chlorophyll. For this clear violation of Article 28 of the Act Governing Food Sanitation, we gave a stiff fine of NT$200,000.

Four soup products sold by the Uni-President health food subsidiary Santa Cruz also contain sodium copper chlorophyllin but are labeled as containing natural chlorophyll. These were removed from the shelves. 







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