2010-03-27 21:25
Married couples are at their happiest two years, 11 months and eight days after walking down the aisle, it has been claimed.
Researchers asked 4,000 husbands and wives to pinpoint their happiness in eleven different aspects of married life and calculated the typical stage when everything falls into place.
Just under three years emerged as the point when couples feel completely comfortable with each other’s bad habits and have a plan for their future.
At this stage they will also enjoy a full and active sex life, will have carried out enough DIY for their house to feel homely and will still find time for romantic meals together.
The study also found that couples claim to have their best sex after two years and four months… we assume they mean with each other.
A spokesperson for confetti.co.uk, which carried out the research, said: "Our research has revealed the exact moment into married life British couples are most content."
walk down the aisle:片語,沿著教堂走道而去,比喻步入結婚禮堂。例句:I hope to see them walk down the aisle.(我希望看到他們步入禮堂。)
fall into place:片語,指情況變得清楚、明朗。例句:Things begin to fall into place.(情況開始明朗起來。)
homely:形容詞,如在家一般的、家常的,也有相貌平庸之意。例句:A homely child often develops into an attractive girl.(相貌平庸的小孩時常長大成為美女。)