In a case that’s likely to once again ruffle feathers regarding the treatment of innocent animals as spies Egyptian authorities have detained a migratory bird that one citizen suspected of being a spy. working for the French security services.
According to reports, authorities detained the bird after a man in Egypt’s Qena governorate spotted the animal - described by officials as a swan - among a group of four others.
Officials say the man suspected the bird was an undercover agent because it carried an electronic device.
The head of security in Qena said that officials examined the bird and the electronic box concluding - perhaps unsurprisingly - that the device was neither a bomb nor spying equipment.
The box was actually a tracker used by French scientists to follow the movement of migrating birds, and the device had stopped working when the bird crossed the French border.
In a further twist to an already bizarre story, authorities in Egypt appear to have misidentified the bird as a swan, after images were released showing the bird - looking very much like a stork - behind bars.
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞