目前分類:實用翻譯工具 (473)

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Maid of honor




Mail drop

Letter box

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Portable lantern


Thick conserve with pieces of fruit in it


(British jam is called jelly)

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Garage sale

Jumble sale

Garbage/ trash


Garbage can


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Temper/ anger


Good, excellent


Pocket or desk diary, appointment book

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Adhesive tape

Sticking plaster

Aerosol bomb

Insecticide spray

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At the ceremony 在儀式上

Minister: Bob and Gina, forty years ago you stood on this beach and swore to spend a lifetime together as husband and wife. Together, you’ve created a wonderful life, raised a family, supported each other and loved each other 1)unconditionally. Today, you stand before each other, as husband and wife, to declare your love again. You’re here to renew your 2)commitment to each other. Bob and Gina, do you vow to love to each other for the rest of your lives?


I do.


I do.

At the 3)reception 在婚宴上


Your mom and dad are so inspiring, Carol! I was in tears!


Me too. I hope Jack and I can stay together that long.


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On the beach 在海灘



[1)groans] Why did I let your dad 2)talk me into drinking that blue thing?


You don’t hold your liquor well, do you, babe?


Is this what a 3)hangover feels like? It feels like my head’s about to explode.


Here, have a hair of the dog that bit you….


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At dinner 晚餐時



Here’s a 1)toast to my lovely wife, Gina. I can’t wait to renew our vows tomorrow on the beach where we had our 2)honeymoon.


Oh, Bob. Thanks, honey. Now let’s order. What did we get back then?


We got the 3)grilled mahi mahi. But the prices were half what they are now!


Money’s no object—I’m getting it. And what was that drink we had?


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I can’t believe we’re in Hawaii! It’s even prettier than it is on Hawaii Five-0.


Ha-ha. Welcome to paradise, babe.


It’s so cool that your parents have decided to renew their 1)vowshere.


I hope we can do something similar when we’ve been married for forty years!


Hey, don’t jinx it!

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So what’s the 1)philosophy behind all these tips?

Anna: In a nutshell, feng shui uses the five elements as a basis to balance the different aspects of your house.
Rick: Let me guess—wind, water, wood, fire….
Anna: Close—it’s water, wood, earth, fire and metal. And you need to figure out which aspects are 2)associated with which elements. But it’s more than just colors, flooring and furniture placement.
Rick: How so?
Anna: You also have to look for peace from within. These 3)external things are just there to make that easier.
瑞克: 那這些竅門背後的哲理是什麼?
安娜: 簡而言之,風水利用五行當基準,來平衡你家中各個不同方位。
瑞克: 我猜猜——風、水、木、火……
安娜: 很接近,是水、木、土、火和金。而且你必須知道哪個方位跟哪行有關,不只是顏色、地板和家具擺設這麼簡單。
瑞克: 怎麼說?
安娜: 你也需要尋找內心的平靜。這些外在的東西只是助力。

in a nutshell 言簡意賅,一言以蔽之

nutshell 是指「乾果核的硬殼」。in a nutshell 表示「用最簡潔的方法描述一件事」,即「簡而言之」。

A: So what did you think of the novel? 

B: In a nutshell, I didn’t think the plot made any sense. 

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At the second house


Now this house feels much better.


I think I see your point now. When we walked in the door we could see the living room. It just felt more open.

Anna: Yep. Look at the wall colors. Yellow is 1)uplifting, and it’s an2)auspicious color in Chinese culture. And that green is3)soothing. It represents growth and peace.
Rick: I never thought about why I liked these colors before, but it makes sense.
Anna: A red door would be best for good 4)fortune, but it might look silly in this neighborhood.
Rick: Ha-ha. My décor can make me wealthy?
Anna: That’s the idea. You can also put a fish tank, which represents prosperity, near your work desk.
安娜: 現在這間房子感覺好多了。
瑞克: 我想我明白你所說的了。我們一走進門裡,就可以看到客廳,感覺比較開闊。
安娜: 對。看看這牆的顏色。黃色神清氣爽,而且在中國文化裡是種吉利的顏色。那個綠色可以令人舒緩放鬆,代表成長與和平。
瑞克: 好我從來沒想過為何我喜歡這些顏色,但很有道理。
安娜: 紅色大門有助好財運,但在這個社區裡可能會看起來有點蠢。
瑞克: 哈哈。我的房屋裝潢能讓我有錢?
安娜: 就是這個意思。你也可以在工作桌附近放個魚缸,代表興旺。


make sense有道理,說得通

當你聽到有人說話頭頭是道,讓你大表贊同時,就可以說It makes sense.(有道理,說得通),口語中常把it省略,直接說Makes sense.。若想表示「那沒道理啦」、「一點也說不通」時,則可以說It makes no sense.或It doesn’t make any sense.

A: We shouldn’t launch the new marketing campaign until the old one is finished.

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Well, that’s part of it. Basically, feng shui is about the relationship between houses and their 1)surroundings.


You mean like what direction a house faces?

Anna: Yeah—things like location and 2)lot 3)placement. And no4)sloping land behind the house!
Rick: OK. This house has no slope.
Anna: But look—when you open the front door, you see a wall.
Rick: Not good for energy flow?
Anna: Oh, you have good 5)instincts! And see the backyard? It’s half the size of the front. It’s better if the backyard is bigger.
Rick: Interesting.
安娜: 那是其中一部份。基本上,風水是房屋與周遭環境之間的關係。
瑞克: 你指的是例如房屋面朝哪個方向?
安娜: 對,像是位置和地位置。而且房子後面不能有斜坡地!
瑞克: 好。這間房子沒有斜坡。
安娜: 但你看,一打開前門時,你看到的是一面牆。
瑞克: 不利氣的流動?
安娜: 喔,你很有天分!看到後院了嗎?它比前院小了一半。後院最好比較大。
瑞克: 很有趣。

have something to do with 與……有關

A: What does your father do for a living? 

B: I’m not sure. I think it has something to do with finance. 

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Well, that’s part of it. Basically, feng shui is about the relationship between houses and their 1)surroundings.


You mean like what direction a house faces?

Anna: Yeah—things like location and 2)lot 3)placement. And no4)sloping land behind the house!
Rick: OK. This house has no slope.
Anna: But look—when you open the front door, you see a wall.
Rick: Not good for energy flow?
Anna: Oh, you have good 5)instincts! And see the backyard? It’s half the size of the front. It’s better if the backyard is bigger.
Rick: Interesting.



安娜: 嘿,這是我的工作。而且你知道我也是風水師嗎?
瑞克: 真的?有你當我的房屋仲介真是賺到了。你會另外收費嗎?
安娜: 跟你收費?才不會。況且,我想要來你家玩,感受平靜與天人地合,所以其實我出於私心的。
瑞克: 哈哈。那我們該從哪開始?我只知道風水跟家具擺設有些關係。

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Brooke: Uh-oh. You really need to fix this one. Sarah’s 1)crow’s feet are showing.
Dan: That doesn’t bother me.
Brooke: But it’s a 2)close-up. And it’ll bother her. Trust me.
Dan: All right. Go ahead and work your magic.
Brooke: OK. See? It’s easy. She looks ten years younger.
Dan: Wow! That’s amazing. This one’s a little 3)blurry. Can you make it look more 4)in focus?
Brooke: Yeah, by adjusting the 5)sharpness and 6)contrast.There. And you can give something soft edges by making it slightly 7)out of focus.
布魯克: 噢喔!你真的需要修一修這張圖。莎拉的魚尾紋跑出來了。
丹: 我不介意啊!
布魯克: 但這是張特寫,她會介意。相信我。
丹: 好吧。請施展妳的魔力。
布魯克: 好了。看見沒?很簡單。她看起來年輕十歲。
丹: 哇!真不可思議。這張有點模糊。妳能讓它更對焦一些嗎?
布魯克: 可以,調整銳利度和對比就行。像這樣。你還可以讓照片稍微模糊一點,製造柔焦效果。

work one’s magic 施展魔力

這裡的 magic 指的不是什麼魔術或是哈利波特的 魔法,而是個人特色或長才,讓他做起某事就是 特別突出,好像有魔力一樣。這句話用來形容人 時,就是「大展身手」之意,也可形容事情或物 品非常具有獨特魅力。

A: Have you seen that new cooking show?

B: Yeah. I love watching the chef work his magic.

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Dan: OK, I admit it. I’m 1)photographically 2)challenged.Don’t rub it in. What else can you do?
Brooke: There are lots of cool 3)artistic effects. Check out these color4)schemes.
Dan: What’s 5)sepia?
Brooke: It’s like black and white, but with warm brown tones.It gives pictures an old, 6)nostalgic look.
Dan: Cool. What about the tilt-shift?
Brooke: That’s my favorite. It makes things look like toys. Here, let me show you.
Dan: Wow! It looks like a model.
丹: 好吧,我承認。我是照相白痴,妳就別落井下石吧!還可以做些什麼?
布魯克: 還有滿多很酷的美術特效。瞧瞧這些調色工具。
丹: 什麼是「烏賊墨」?
布魯克: 就像黑白照,但帶有暖咖啡的色調。它會讓照片有古老、懷舊的樣子。
丹: 很酷。那「移軸效果」呢?
布魯克: 那是我的最愛。它會讓東西看起來像玩具。來,我弄給你看。
丹: 哇!看起來跟模型一樣。

rub it in 傷口上抹鹽

rub it in 的 it 是指「鹽巴」,rub it in 就是戳人的痛處,一直提到他們的糗事、錯誤、缺點等。 

A: I got a better grade on the test than you, and I didn’t even study!

B: OK, OK—no need to rub it in.

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Dan: All right. Lay off already. Now let’s get to work.
Brooke: Hey! You can’t do this without me, so you better ask nice.
Dan: Pretty please?
Brooke: That’s more like it.
Dan: OK. Can you help me get rid of my red eyes?
Brooke: That’s simple. See this? It’s the red eye 1)remover. Click. Done.
Dan: Awesome. Now can you get rid of Bob and his man 2)boobs?
Brooke: Aw, that’s my favorite part of the photo.
Dan: You’re sick.
Brooke: Ha. OK, just click and 3)drag the 4)cursor to 5)crop.
丹: 好啦。夠了,別鬧了。現在開始動手吧!
布魯克: 嘿!這件事沒我你辦不成,所以你最好客氣地拜託。
丹: 求求妳了?
布魯克: 這還差不多。
丹: 好。妳能幫我去除紅眼嗎?
布魯克: 很簡單。看到這了沒?這是紅眼去除鍵。按下去。好了。
丹: 酷。現在妳能把包柏和他的「男性乳房」拿掉嗎?
(編註:man boobs 為男生胸前肥肉多到像女生的胸部)
布魯克: 唉唷,那是這張照片上我最愛的地方。
布魯克: 哈。好,只要按著滑鼠並拖移游標把他剪下,再另存新檔就好了。

That’s more like it. 這還差不多。


A: All right, how’s this? I’ll cook dinner if you wash the dishes.

B: OK. That’s more like it.

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Hey, Dan. You’ve been sitting in front of the computer for hours. What gives?

Dan: I was trying to keep it a surprise, but I’m at my wit’s end. Can you help me out here?
Brooke: Sure. But I’m no computer geek.
Dan: Yeah, but you work in 1) publishing. You probably know how to use photo editing 2) software, right?
Brooke: I do know a little. What are you trying to do? Make me a gift?
Dan: It’s a gift, but it’s for Sarah.
Brooke: Oh, that’s so sweet! My brother’s a hopeless romantic!
布魯克: 嘿,丹。你坐在電腦前好幾個小時了。怎麼啦?
丹: 我原本要保密讓它變成一個驚喜的,但我已經束手無策了。妳能幫個忙嗎?
布魯克: 好啊,但我可不是什麼電腦通。
丹: 對啦,但妳在出版業工作。妳應該會用照片編輯軟體,對吧?
布魯克: 確實略知一二。你想要弄什麼?做禮物給我?
丹: 是禮物,但是要給莎拉的。
布魯克: 噢,好貼心!我弟是個無可救藥的浪漫派!



What gives? 怎麼啦?

這是非常口語的用法,意同 What happened?、 What’s wrong? 等。此句用來詢問他人狀態,尤 其是在情況稍有異常,想知道是否發生了什麼事情時。

A: You look like you’re in a bad mood. What gives?

B: I got fired from my job today.

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Jill: I agree. In most stores you just see 1)generic roses, lilies, daisies, carnations…ugh!
Brett: Yeah, carnations are kind of 2)tacky I do like those lucky bamboo arrangements though.
Jill: They’re OK if they don’t 3)ruin them with those 4)cheesy ribbons and5)ornaments.
Brett: Well, your stuff is way more 6)sophisticated. I should get something for myself.
Jill: How about a succulent? They’re super 7)low-maintenance, and have a 8)masculine feel.
Brett: You mean like a 9)cactus? I always thought they were cool.
Jill: Yes. See these? They only need a few drops of water each week.
Brett: I’ll take two!
吉 兒: 沒錯。在大部分花店,你只會看到普通的玫瑰、百合、雛菊、康乃馨……噁!
布烈特: 是啊,康乃馨有點俗氣。不過我倒是很喜歡那些幸運竹插花。
吉 兒: 如果不被那些俗氣的緞帶和裝飾品毀掉的話,那些竹子是還不錯。
布烈特: 嗯,你的東西精緻多了。我應該買點東西給我自己。
吉 兒: 多肉植物怎麼樣?它們超級不需要照顧,而且有種男子氣概的感覺。
布烈特: 你的意思是像仙人掌?我一直覺得仙人掌很酷。
吉 兒: 是啊。你看到這些嗎?每禮拜只需要幾滴水。
布烈特: 我要兩株!

lay off 停啦,別鬧了

這句話用來叫人停止煩你,提醒人適可而止,意同 quit it 或 cut it out。

A: Will you lay off? I’m trying to study. 

B: Why don’t you go study in your room? I’m practicing for my violin lesson. 

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Jill: Here’s the arrangement with the bells of Ireland, which are a little plant-like, and the peonies, which are 1)lush and 2)delicate. And I’ve added a few pink roses for accent.
Brett: Spectacular. You 3)nailed the English garden look.
Jill: And now for your wife. Gloxinia, peach blossoms and baby’s breath—4)sparse but 5)elegant.
Brett: It reminds me of the hall/lobby of a fancy hotel.
Jill: Ha! Those are my biggest clients.
Brett: My wife will be impressed.
Jill: We include a card describing the origin, meaning and history of the flowers.
Brett: That’s a nice touch.
吉 兒: 這就是貝殼花的插花,有一點像盆栽,還有茂盛精緻的牡丹花。我還加了幾根粉紅 玫瑰點綴。
布烈特: 太漂亮了。你捕捉到了英國庭園的樣子。
吉 兒: 然後這是給你太太的。大岩桐、桃花和滿天星—稀疏但是高雅。
布烈特: 讓我想到高級飯店的大廳。
吉 兒: 哈!那些是我最大的客戶。
布烈特: 我太太會驚嘆不已。
吉 兒: 我們附上了一張卡片,描述花的原產地、意義和歷史。
布烈特: 真是錦上添花。

a nice touch 錦上添花

這句話是指把東西加上一些不必要的細節,讓東西在某方面的效果更好。譬如在桌上擺花並非必 要,但的確讓桌子看起來更漂亮,所以擺花就可以說是個nice touch。

A: How do you like what I did with the kitchen?

B: It looks great. The lace curtains are a nice touch.

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Brett: They have a nice, 1)subtle flavor/smell.
Jill: Yes. These have a clean, fresh 2)scent, not like the stronger, sweeter fragrance of roses or other more romantic flowers.
Brett: Ha-ha—wouldn’t want to give the wrong message.
Jill: Speaking of romance, how about something for your wife? If roses are too 3)cliche, we have other more unique flowers to choose from.
Brett: These are nice. Are they peach blossoms?
Jill: Yes. They 4)symbolize romantic love. And these gloxinia are very 5)exotic. They represent love at first sight.
Brett: Perfect! That’s how I felt when I met my wife.
布烈特: 它們有種很好聞、細微的味道。
吉 兒: 對。這些花有一種乾淨、清新的香氣,不像玫瑰或其他比較浪漫的花種那種比較強 烈、甜膩的香味。
布烈特: 哈哈—我可不想傳送出錯誤的訊息。
吉 兒: 說到浪漫,要不要送些什麼給你太太?如果玫瑰太老套,我們有其他比較特有的花 可以選。
布烈特: 這些不錯,是桃花嗎?
吉 兒: 對。象徵浪漫的愛意。還有這些大岩桐非常有異國風情,代表一見鍾情。
布烈特: 太棒了!我第一次看見我太太就是這種感覺。

at one’s wit’s end 山窮水盡,無計可施

wit 是「機智」的意思,如果一件事情讓你的 wit「智慧」 走到 end「盡頭」,就表示你對這件 事束手無策,完全拿它沒辦法。這句話的 wit一字,可寫成wit’s(單數形)或是wits’(複數 形)。 

A: What are we going to do about Billy’s bad behavior?

B: I don’t know. I’m at my wit’s end.

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