目前分類:實用翻譯工具 (473)

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2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-16 (64) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-15 (536) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-14 (51) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-13 (96) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-12 (49) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-11 (32) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-10 (60) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-9 (61) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-8 (628) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-7 (106) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-4 (68) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-2 (65) (0)
2012-04-02 A(英文格言、諺語)-1 (249) (0)
2012-04-02 常用餐廳日語會話 (946) (0)
2012-03-14 Facebook’s Challenge and Future(臉書的下一步) (79) (0)
2012-03-14 Flying High with the Flick of a Joystick 用搖桿翱翔天際 (18) (0)
2012-03-09 阿根廷酒莊渡金融風暴的秘訣 (36) (0)
2012-03-09 The Witch Doctor Will See You Now 有請巫醫 (66) (0)
2012-03-08 A Cake to Remember  難忘的噁心蛋糕 (47) (0)
2012-03-08 green shoots 說好的春燕呢? (26) (0)
2012-03-08 Q:Whatever book that you want to look at will be sent to your office. 這句中的 that 是否正確? (24) (0)
2012-03-08 經理人必懂的十個關鍵字 (48) (0)
2012-03-08 表裡不一的英文字 (37) (0)
2012-03-08 Festivals of Ice and Snow 冰與雪的雙重饗宴 (7) (0)
2012-03-07 英文單字尾端子音字母是否重複的通則 (109) (0)
2012-03-07 酒國做英雄 酒後的心聲 (19) (0)
2012-03-07 Q:我看到 I wouldn't like you to think that I was being unfair. 這樣的句子,請問 I was unfair 和 I was being unfair 意義上有何不同? (42) (0)
2012-03-07 He owns a farm, mansion, orchard, and estate. 這句有四個名詞,但只有 farm 的前面有不定冠詞 a,這樣對嗎? 因為 orchard 和 estate 的前面須用 an。 (23) (0)
2012-03-07 所有動物都可以用 he 或 she 來指稱嗎? (14) (0)
2012-03-07 no 接可數名詞時,該名詞要用複數還是單數? (1149) (0)
2012-03-07 片語動詞詳細解說 (149) (0)
2012-03-07 成語~Apple of Sodom (638) (0)
2012-03-07 Strange Green Machines 環保又實用的另類綠色發明 (266) (0)
2012-03-07 Such…as 和 such…that 的意義有何不同 (216) (0)
2012-03-07 拖鞋,涼鞋,和夾腳鞋的英文說法 (12701) (0)
2012-03-07 "quite" 在會話中的意思很難瞭解,它到底是「完全,十分,非常」(totally, perfectly, completely) 還是「有幾分,頗為,相當」(partially, somewhat, fairly, rather) 呢? (202) (0)
2012-03-07 zombie debtor (8) (0)
2012-03-07 字彙~Homebody (52) (0)
2012-03-06 Tattoo Toilets 馬桶刺上青 炫麗秀創意 (37) (0)
2012-03-06 Jazzing it up - Yoga Lin proves to be quite a charitable gentleman(與音樂王子林宥嘉的爵士之夜 - 慈善紳士林宥嘉實至名歸) (6) (0)
2012-03-06 Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣 (33) (0)
2012-03-05 家族稱謂的活用(1) (28) (0)
2012-03-05 Linsanity - The Taiwanese-American dream (林書豪炫風 - 台裔美籍男子的夢想成真) (31) (0)
2012-03-05 The Pearl of the Adriatic 亞得里亞海的明珠──克羅埃西亞 (61) (0)
2012-03-05 Destination: Whistler, Canada 前進加拿大惠斯勒 (31) (0)
2012-03-02 Someone living from paycheck to paycheck (9) (0)
2012-03-01 Q:I am on the right side of age twenty. 有這種說法嗎? (13) (0)
2012-03-01 年齡大小的說法 (44) (0)
2012-03-01 Q:too much of a good thing 是什麼意思呢? (35) (0)
2012-03-01 A War with Post-Its 便利貼大戰 (26) (0)