



[[清大研究生 魏揚]]


The student protester named by police as the ringleader of Sunday evening’s storming of the Executive Yuan was released early this morning. The Taipei District Court ruled there was not sufficient evidence to detain Dennis Wei for allegedly inciting the occupation of the government’s chief decision-making body. 

Students from National Tsing Hua University held signs outside the court to greet their classmate Dennis Wei.

During the student-led storming and occupation of the Executive Yuan on Sunday, police pegged Wei as the organizer and ringleader. They arrested him, accused him of six crimes and requested his detention, citing possible collusion. The court, however, rejected this request, and released Wei without bail. This is what he had to say:

Dennis Wei
Student Protester
I don’t know who the initiator is. When people reached the location, the first thing they did was check in on their phones to tell people where they were and to urge others to come provide support. Prosecutors were relying solely on one photograph to accuse me of assembling this crowd. There were thousands of people there. Could you say that all of them were assembling the crowd and acting as ringleaders? I think the charges prosecutors hope to bring are highly political. They consider students storming and occupying the Executive Yuan a challenge to the government’s prestige, so they feel they must use the judiciary. They want to punish me so others fall into line.

Wei says he only called for those willing to participate to join in the demonstration at the Executive Yuan and that he did not incite the storming of the building. For now, he plans to stay away from the ongoing demonstrations at the Legislature so his family doesn’t have to worry.


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