
檢察總長黃世銘洩密案將在下週五宣判, 總統府在判決前一週,正式提名接棒人選:最高檢察署主任檢察官顏大和,他是馬總統台大法律系學弟,在馬英九法務部長時期擔任幕僚,也曾協助查黑中心,起訴馬英九特別費案。


[[最高檢主任檢察官 顏大和]]


[[最高檢主任檢察官 顏大和]]


Next Friday, Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming will find out the verdict in his case of alleged leaking of confidential information. Even if Huang is found not guilty, he will leave office when his term expires at the middle of next month. Before then his likely replacement has emerged: Yen Da-ho, the current head prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors Office. 

After meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou, Yen Da-ho confirmed that Ma asked him to become prosecutor-general.

Yen Da-ho
Supreme Prosecutors Office
I have been nominated to become prosecutor-general. I’m calm. Nothing feels that different.

Members of The Prosecutors Association returned more than 200 questionnaires answering whom they’d like to see become prosecutor-general. With 98 votes, Yen came out on top. Yen previously served as prosecutor-general of the Taipei District Prosecutors Office, where he played a role in indicting Ma Ying-jeou over use of his special affairs fund as mayor. Yen was asked whether this created any tension between the two.

Yen Da-ho
Supreme Prosecutors Office
President Ma and I have known each other for more than 20 years. He has always shown great tolerance of others. This is something I understand well.

Yen graduated from National Taiwan University College of Law after Ma. He completed his studies at the Academy for the Judiciary in 1978, and later rose as high as deputy justice minister. 


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