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Academic Sinica president receives Israeli Wolf Prize in Chemistry
Wong Chi-huey, president of Academic Sinica, received the Wolf Prize in Chemistry at an award ceremony yesterday. His pioneering work in chemical and enzymatic synthesis enabled the advance study of carbohydrates, glycoproteins, and other substances.


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Taipei City is welcoming global visitors ahead of Computex Taipei which opens on Tuesday. The world’s second largest computer trade show will attract 1,700 exhibitors occupying 5,000 booths.


Before the annual exhibition begins tomorrow, exhibitors are busy executing last minute details to showcase their latest technology. The exhibition is expected to attract 130,000 visitors and create business opportunities worth NT$ $25 billion during its run from June 3 to June 7.


英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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遠雄集團董事長趙藤雄,為了〝八德合宜宅〞行賄案,台北地院昨天晚間再度召開羈押庭,儘管趙藤雄當庭坦承,確實托人交付1600萬給葉世文,希望獲得交保,但他的供詞避重就輕,不僅涉嫌串供,還企圖銷毀近百箱的機密文件,並在凌晨一點零五分裁定。Top land developer, Chao Teng-hsiung, detained and held incommunicado on bribery charges (2014/06/02)

The Taipei District Court reversed a ruling from over the weekend and approved a prosecutor's request that Chao Teng-hsiung, chairman of Far Glory Group, be detained and held in-communicado.
Chao is being held on bribery charges connected to a public housing project. Prosecutors have shown that Chao and colleagues have sought to destroy evidence and collaborate with witnesses.


英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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銀髮市場 如何贏?

Taiwan’s elder care industry in need of better assistive devices (2014/06/01)

In recent years, demand for elder care services such as assisted-living centers and nursing homes has increased dramatically. Unfortunately, elder care services continue to be highly dependent on staffing, with little research put into developing assistive devices or new technology. A handful of people are trying to change that, however, as we see in this special look at assistive devices in Taiwan.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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謝彭兩人在這這三場賽程都未失掉任何一盤,並在這場比賽中,以6比0,6比2的分數,打敗美國的老將Liezel Huber Lisa Raymond,晉級前八強,這也是她們自2009年以來,表現最佳的一場半準決賽。Hsieh, Peng Advance (2014/06/01)


Taiwan’s Hsieh Su-wei and China’s Peng Shuai advanced to the final eight of the women’s doubles at the French Open on Sunday, moving one win away from their career best at the Grand Slam event.


The world No. 1 Hsieh and Peng, who have yet to drop a set in Paris, thumped American veterans Liezel Huber and Lisa Raymond 6-0, 6-2 to book a place in the quarterfinals. Their best showing at the tournament was a semifinal finish in 2009.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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Taiwanese professor shows children cars can be powered by clean hydrogen (2014/06/01)


Under the threat of global warming, the race is on to find an environmentally friendly way to power vehicles. A Kaohsiung university team has developed an award-winning hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and demonstrated it to children at a camp Sunday to raise awareness of the potential of clean energy.


It looks like a Beetle, but this high-tech car powered by hydrogen is the creation of the Solomon Fuel Cell Vehicle Team from a university in Kaohsiung. It may look tiny but it has all the necessary requirements. Open the front hood, and you can immediately tell it’s different than a typical fuel-powered car.

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Nineteen hot air balloons take flight at Taitung Hot Air Balloon Festival (2014/06/01)


Hot air balloons were out in force in Taitung Sunday on the second day of the county’s Hot Air Balloon Festival. A new festival record was set on Saturday when 19 balloons flew into the sky at the same time, beating the previous record of 14. But the big attraction of the weekend was a fabled character from Star Wars.


The sun had just risen Sunday morning but the Luye Plain in Taitung was already crowded with people eager to take pictures of their favorite balloons. The star of the show was an ominous looking black airship.

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Ko Wen-je, Yao Wen-chih out stumping for support a day before televised debate (2014/06/01)


The race for the pan-green nomination in the Taipei mayoral race began heating up Sunday. The two main candidates vying for the honor were out campaigning a day before they were to present their political platforms in a televised forum. Surgeon Ko Wen-je was pretty low-key, but DPP Legislator Yao Wen-chih took a swipe at the KMT’s nominee in the race.


With chants of “elected, elected” ringing in his ears, Ko canvassed Dongmen Market with his wife for support.

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Puyuma Safety Concerns (2014/06/25)


President Ma Ying-jeou is scheduled to attend a ceremony on Saturday to mark next week’s trial opening of Puyuma express train service to Taitung. But reports of unfinished work items, including at least one related to safety, have dampened the mood.


Providing express train service required electrification of the railway line. This was originally a seven-year project that was cut to five years under pressure from Ma. While some critics believe the project was rushed to meet Ma’s promise to voters, the Railway Reconstruction Bureau insists the line is ready to open and there are no safety concerns.

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電影鋼鐵人中,主角胸口的小型反應爐,雖然小小一個,卻能產生核融合反應,為鋼鐵裝帶來大量能量,這樣的概念,台灣竟然有人做出來。Novel student invention wins praise from National Taitung University director (2014/06/25)


A freshman student has created a device that shares some similarities with a nuclear fusion reactor. The director of applied sciences at National Taitung University praised the student’s creativity and urged the government to provide more support to up-and-coming scientists.


In the film “Ironman,” the superhero’s armor is powered by a small, disk-like “arc reactor” located near the chest. Now, someone in Taiwan has attempted to create a similar mini-reactor.


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Kaohsiung promotes specialty products at the Taipei International Food Show (2014/06/25)


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DPP backs its candidate in New Taipei after poll puts him far behind KMT’s Chu (2014/06/25)


DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen denies rumors that the party is considering switching candidates in New Taipei. The electability of its candidate, Yu Shyi-kun, was called into question following a recent poll that suggests just 22 percent support for Yu against 55 percent support for the popular incumbent, Eric Chu.


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[[鴻海董事長 郭台銘]]



Hon Hai chairman says patience is needed as company expands into 4G services (2014/06/25)

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Former US secretary of state warns that care must be taken as Taiwan moves closer to China

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that as Taiwan cozies up to China, it must be careful not to lose its economic independence. Clinton’s comments came in her first exclusive interview to a Taiwanese media outlet.





[[美國前國務卿 希拉蕊]]

任何一位台灣領導人都必須持續評估,對中國開放應該走多遠,我認為必須小心 深謀遠慮,並從中間取得平衡


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[[聲音來源:律師 賴中強]]


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[[立委() 蔡煌瑯]]“我強烈懷疑 中國的情報單位,會不會利用中國新娘,有計畫的滲透我們的軍士官,在這裡佈建 在這裡蒐密”




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[[博惠里民]] “鄰居大家很好,說郭先生你去(上班)就好,我幫你倒(垃圾) ,這樣也不行,這樣也被拍”里民批政府搶錢搶得太離譜。


 [[博惠里長 洪耀斌]]“一天寄27張來,太離譜,你說你今天寄第一張過來,我們里民就會有一種警惕”


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Cockroach Stunner


The approach of summer means that cockroach season is on the way. Many people are disgusted by squishing the pests. Insecticides are an option, but they spread toxic gas.


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Draft Gaming Act Passes


The Cabinet passed its draft version of a new tourism gaming management act. It stipulates that large casinos can only be established on outlying islands.


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[[水利署長 楊偉甫]]


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