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Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Quincy Adams ... and now Anna Wintour? A report suggesting that the influential editor-in-chief of Vogue is one of the candidates being considered for the top U.S. diplomatic post in France or Britain has sparked spirited debate about her qualifications, exciting Britain’s glamour-hungry tabloids but raising hackles at the conservative Daily Telegraph.


"Anna Wintour may be an enticing pick for a celebrity-fixated White House," wrote Nile Gardner in the Telegraph. "But she is eminently unsuitable for America’s most prestigious diplomatic posting."


Officials at the U.S. Embassy in London said they would not speculate on President Obama’s eventual choice for a successor to Ambassador Louis Susman, who has announced plans to step down. White House officials have also refused to comment.


Guardian fashion writer Jess Cartner-Morley said the editor _ the model for the imperious character played by Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada" movie _ would be well-suited for an ambassadorial position. "She is enormously charismatic, a born networker and a formidable fundraiser."


The ambassadorial posts in France and Britain are among the most coveted in the diplomatic ranks. They also typically go to wealthy individuals willing to use personal funds to buttress the government-provided entertainment budget. (AP)

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’Pregnant man’ Thomas Beatie’s divorce from his ex-wife Nancy is trapped in legal limbo while an Arizona judge decides if their marriage was ever valid in the first place.


Thomas Beatie was born a woman and underwent a sex change but retained female reproductive organs and gave birth to three children.


The couple, who married in 2003, are now trying to get divorced and work out the custody issues for their three children, plus the division of property and spousal support.


But their divorce plans stalled when Family Court Judge Douglas Gerlach said in late June that he was unable to find any legal authority defining a man as someone who can give birth.


The validity of the Beatie’s marriage now hangs in the balance, as same-sex marriage is forbidden in Arizona and the state doesn’t recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

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Think of cats as cute purring bundles of fur? Think again. A new study says free-roaming kitties are serious killers.


Such cats are a leading cause of deaths of birds and small mammals in the United States, with pet and ownerless cats blamed for killing up to 3.7 billion birds and as many as 20.7 billion other animals each year, government scientists said in a study released on Tuesday.


Ownerless cats, including barn cats, strays and feral colonies, are behind the vast majority of bird and mammal deaths, according to the study, "The impact of free-ranging cats on wildlife in the United States," published Tuesday in the online journal Nature Communications.


The findings by researchers with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service show the bulk of birds killed by cats in the United States - excluding Alaska and Hawaii - were native species.


Cats largely prey on non-native mice and rats in densely populated urban areas where native wildlife is scarce, the research shows.

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Up to half of all the food produced worldwide ends up going to waste due to poor harvesting, storage and transport methods as well as irresponsible retailer and consumer behavior, a report said.


The world produces about four billion metric tons of food a year but 1.2 to 2 billion metric tons is not eaten, the study by the London-based Institution of Mechanical Engineers said.


In developed countries, efficient farming methods, transport and storage mean that most of the wastage occurs through retail and customer behavior.


Retailers produce 1.6 million metric tons of food waste a year because they reject crops of edible fruit and vegetables because they do not meet exacting size and appearance criteria, the report by the engineering society said.


Of the food which does reach supermarket shelves, 30-50 percent of what is bought in developed countries is thrown away by customers, often due to poor understanding of "best before" and "use by" dates.

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Scientists say they can find no convincing evidence to show that taking vitamin D supplements will fend off a cold. The 161 people who took daily vitamin D for 18 months caught as many colds as the 161 who took fake pills.


The study was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


But a leading UK cold expert said vitamin D was useful. Prof Ronald Eccles, of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, said it can give the immune system a much-needed boost during winter when vitamin D reserves may be low.


He said echinacea supplements may also help ward off coughs and colds, but added: "Supplements do not work for everybody because people’s immune systems are different. It’s not a case of one size fits all."



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An Iowa couple who won a $202 million Powerball jackpot in September is donating $3 million to their son’s high school for a new football stadium - but the gift comes with a catch.



The stadium visitor’s locker room must be painted pink.



The Bondurant-Farrar school district accepted the $3 million donation from Brian and Mary Lohse on Monday, The Des Moines Register reported.



The couple from the Des Moines suburb of Bondurant requested only that the new stadium be completed before the fall 2014 football season - their oldest son’s senior year - and that the visiting team’s locker room be painted pink.

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Apple Inc’s iPhone is losing some of its lustre among Asia’s well-heeled consumers in Singapore and Hong Kong, a victim of changing mobile habits and its own runaway success.


Driven by a combination of iPhone fatigue, a desire to be different and a plethora of competing devices, users are turning to other brands, notably those from Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, eating into Apple’s market share.


In Singapore, Apple’s products were so dominant in 2010 that more devices here ran its iOS operating system per capita than anywhere else in the world.


But StatCounter , which measures traffic collected across a network of 3 million websites, calculates that Apple’s share of mobile devices in Singapore - iPad and iPhone - declined sharply last year. From a peak of 72 percent in January 2012, its share fell to 50 percent this month, while Android devices now account for 43 percent of the market, up from 20 percent in the same month last year.

不過, StatCounter根據300萬個網站的網頁瀏覽量分析,計算出蘋果iPad和iPhone在新加坡行動裝置的市占率去年大幅下降,本月從2012年1月高峰期的72%降至50%,目前使用安卓系統的裝置占43%,高於上年同期的20%。

In Hong Kong, devices running Apple’s iOS now account for about 30 percent of the total, down from about 45 percent a year ago. Android accounts for nearly two-thirds.(Reuters)

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Russians mock Kremlin decision on Depardieu passport



Russians reacted with amusement, disbelief and a heavy dose of irony to the news that the Kremlin has granted citizenship to French actor Gerard Depardieu to solve his tax woes.


In a letter broadcast on Russian television, the former Oscar nominee declared his love for President Vladimir Putin and called Russia a "great democracy."


"He is impressed by our democracy -- he has completely lost his marbles," wrote one Facebook user, Vladimir Sokolov.


Far-left politician Eduard Limonov suggested Depardieu could reprise his famous film role of French revolutionary Georges Danton and risk detention by riot police at a regular unsanctioned rally against Putin.

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A hospital in Germany is being sued for medical malpractice after surgeons allegedly left more than a dozen medical odds and ends inside a cancer patient’s body during a 2009 operation.


The man, identified by the Daily Mail as 74-year-old Dirk Schroeder, had undergone a "routine surgery" for prostate cancer. The operation was believed to have gone well and Schroeder was told that he had at least "another six years" to live.


However, post-surgery, Schroeder discovered that his wounds had healed badly. According to his family, his pain was so intense that he often could not sit.


When surgeons operated on Schroeder again, they were stunned to find 16 pieces of medical equipment in the man’s body. This included "a needle, a six-inch roll of bandage, a six-inch long compress, several swabs and a fragment of surgical mask," writes the Daily Mail.


Incredibly, Schroeder survived this traumatic incident -- but the septuagenarian died last year due to complications that arose from his cancer.

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Outspoken US Senator John McCain raised eyebrows online Monday when he compared Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a monkey that the Islamic republic recently launched into space.


"So Ahmadinejad wants to be first Iranian in space - wasn’t he just there last week?" said a message on McCain’s official Twitter feed, followed by the headline and link to a recent story:"Iran launches monkey into space."


The comments by the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, a strong advocate for tougher sanctions on Tehran for its nuclear program, followed Ahmadinejad’s claim earlier Monday that he is ready "to be the first man in space" under Iran’s ambitious program which aims to send a human being into orbit by 2020.


The slur by McCain, the senator with by far the most Twitter followers, with nearly 1.8 million, elicited swift condemnation on Twitter.


"Wow, way to elevate political discourse," tweeted @heyitsurban to McCain. Another user, @manolo_loop, wrote:"@SenJohnMcCain is racism funny?"

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Three-time world table tennis champion Zhuang Zedong, a key figure in 1971’s groundbreaking "pingpong diplomacy’’ between China and the United States, died Sunday, China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported. He was 72 and had struggled with cancer since 2008.


Zhuang won fame by presenting a gift to American player Glenn Cowan, who had inadvertently boarded a bus carrying the Chinese team at the World Championships in Nagoya, Japan, in 1971. Zhuang and Cowan were photographed together, creating an international sensation at a time when China and the U.S. were bitter Cold War rivals.


Under orders from Chinese leader Mao Zedong, the 15-member American team was then invited to China at the end of the Nagoya championships for an ice-breaking visit. Ten months later, President Richard Nixon made a surprise visit to China, leading to the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1979.


Zhuang became a favorite of Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, a member of the notorious Gang of Four, which held sway during the radical turmoil of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution. Jiang appointed Zhuang to a number of political posts in the sports ministry. Zhuang came under investigation after the Gang was deposed and Jiang imprisoned following Mao’s death in 1976, and subsequently spent years coaching the provincial team in the northern province of Shanxi.


He returned to Beijing in 1985 and coached young players for several years. Zhuang was married twice and had one daughter. (AP)

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Married people are less prone to heart attacks than singletons and more likely to recover if stricken, according to a Finnish study.


Researchers collected data on 15,330 people in Finland between the ages of 35 and 99 who suffered "acute coronary events" between 1993 and 2002. Just over half of the patients died within 28 days of the attacks.


The team found that unmarried men in all age groups were 58-66 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack than married ones. For women the nuptial benefit was even greater -- single women were 60 to 65 percent more likely to suffer acute coronary events.


For both genders, wedlock also considerably lowered heart attack mortality. Unmarried men were 60-168 percent and unmarried women 71-175 percent more likely to die of a heart attack within 28 days, compared to their unhitched counterparts. (AFP)


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A northeastern Pennsylvania newspaper has just received a calendar to help ring in the new year -- except the year is 1950.


Scranton’s The Times-Tribune reports a mail carrier delivered it 63 years late without explanation.


The large tube contained a 1950 Pennsylvania Railroad calendar addressed to James Flanagan, former general manager of The Scranton Times.


The calendar includes a holiday greeting from a railroad executive dated December 1949. Flanagan died that month.


A U.S. Postal Service spokesman says lost mail is sometimes found when a machine is dismantled or office space is renovated.

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Researchers say a baby’s chance of being obese in childhood can be predicted at birth using a simple formula. The formula combines several known factors to estimate the risk of obesity.


The authors of the study, published in PLos One, hope it will be used to identify babies at risk.


Childhood obesity can lead to many health problems, including Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Researchers from Imperial College London looked at 4,032 Finnish children born in 1986 and at data from two further studies of 1,053 Italian children and 1,032 US children.


They found that looking at a few simple measurements, such as a child’s birthweight and whether the mother smoked, was enough to predict obesity.

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With its talk of "destroying" enemies and confronting "jihadi terrorists", France has adopted a language of war for its intervention in Mali that few expected from Socialist President Francois Hollande.


As French warplanes carry out airstrikes and French troops clash with Islamist rebels in the West African country, Hollande and his ministers seem to have taken a page from former US president George W. Bush’s playbook on war-time communications.


"The use of language is calibrated: the cause is just, a fight against terrorism, us/them, good/bad. These are the fundamentals of war-time communication," said Francois-Bernard Huyghe, a researcher at the Paris-based Institute of International and Strategic Relations.


Holland’s words seemed to echo not only Bush but also Russian officials who have repeatedly vowed to "liquidate terrorists" in their fight against insurgents in Chechnya and other parts of the volatile North Caucasus region.


French media reported that ministers have been banned from using the words "Islamist fighters" in statements on the conflict and must always refer to rebels as "terrorists".

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Japanese philanderers know their weak spot:the smartphone. Afraid that girlfriends and wives will spot incoming calls from certain secret someones, Lotharios in Japan are sticking with Fujitsu’s old "F-Series" flip phones, the Wall Street Journal reports.


The so-called "infidelity phone" owes its enduring popularity to customers who don’t believe newer smartphones are as discreet at hiding their illicit romances.


It can easily be programmed to conceal calls and texts from particular contacts.


"If Tiger Woods had this Japanese feature in his phone, he wouldn’t have gotten in trouble," says a Japanese analyst.


But with smartphones taking Japan by storm, Fujitsu has added similar privacy features to its new lineup.

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Former French screen goddess Brigitte Bardot on Friday threatened to follow Gerard Depardieu in asking for a Russian passport, in protest not at tax hikes, but at the treatment of two circus elephants.


The animals, named Baby and Nepal and owned by a touring circus, are thought to be carrying tuberculosis and were ordered to be put down by a court in Lyon, southern France, on Friday as a precautionary measure.


Bardot’s threat comes a day after fellow actor Depardieu caused a storm in France by becoming a Russian citizen in protest at high tax rates proposed by the Socialist government, which he accuses of penalizing success.


"If those in power are cowardly and impudent enough to kill the elephants... then I have decided I will ask for Russian nationality to get out of this country which has become nothing more than an animal cemetery," Bardot said in a statement. (Reuters)



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It’s not men who spend their time secretly ogling women - it’s women, according to a revealing new study.


And it is the fairer sex that gives their rivals’ bodies a good visual once-over, found Bristol University researchers, rather than their supposedly Neanderthal partners. Men are more likely to concentrate on a potential mate’s face.


The academics came to their conclusions after asking volunteers to examine a range of different images, including stills from nature documentaries, classical and surrealist paintings, and freeze-frames of couples in films.


The researchers found women spent 61 percent of their time looking at the women in the pictures, and only 39 percent on the men.


When they looked at the women their eyes tended to roam around the whole figure, while men concentrated on the face.

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A trove of ancient manuscripts in Hebrew characters rescued from caves in a Taliban stronghold in northern Afghanistan is providing the first physical evidence of a Jewish community that thrived there a thousand years ago.


Israel’s National Library unveiled the cache of recently purchased documents that run the gamut of life experiences, including biblical commentaries, personal letters and financial records. Researchers say the "Afghan Genizah" marks the greatest such archive found since the "Cairo Genizah" was discovered in an Egyptian synagogue more than 100 years ago, a vast depository of medieval manuscripts considered to be among the most valuable collections of historical documents ever found.


Genizah, a Hebrew term that loosely translates as "storage", refers to a storeroom adjacent to a synagogue or Jewish cemetery where Hebrew-language books and papers are kept. Under Jewish law, it is forbidden to throw away writings containing the formal names of God, so they are either buried or stashed away.


The Afghan collection gives an unprecedented look into the lives of Jews in ancient Persia in the 11th century. The paper manuscripts, preserved over the centuries by the dry, shady conditions of the caves, include writings in Hebrew, Aramaic, Judea-Arabic and the unique Judeo-Persian language from that era, which was written in Hebrew letters.



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On Christmas Day, 13-year-old Gregory Hofmann got something he craved - an iPhone 5. The next day, he got the contract. Not the one that got him his phone’s data plan - mom and dad are footing that bill - but a pact that tells him how he can and can’t use the phone.

耶誕節那天,13歲的克雷葛里.霍夫曼獲得他渴望的東西:一支iPhone 5手機。次日,他拿到合約,不是讓他手機上網的資費方案合約—這部份費用由他爸媽買單,而是一份告訴他用這支手機能做什麼、不能做什麼的約定。

Janell Burley Hofmann honored her son’s "maturity and growth" with his first iPhone, but it came with strings attached. Eighteen strings, to be exact, in a written code of conduct.


The contract strictly lists 18 rules on how her son must properly utilize the iPhone. Also, the mother stated that she will confiscate the iPhone if he fails to comply with her rules.


Among the rules:"Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person" and "Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads ’Mom’ or ’Dad’. Not ever."


Hofmann posted the code of conduct on her blog, and it soon went viral.

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