’Pregnant man’ Thomas Beatie’s divorce from his ex-wife Nancy is trapped in legal limbo while an Arizona judge decides if their marriage was ever valid in the first place.
Thomas Beatie was born a woman and underwent a sex change but retained female reproductive organs and gave birth to three children.
The couple, who married in 2003, are now trying to get divorced and work out the custody issues for their three children, plus the division of property and spousal support.
But their divorce plans stalled when Family Court Judge Douglas Gerlach said in late June that he was unable to find any legal authority defining a man as someone who can give birth.
The validity of the Beatie’s marriage now hangs in the balance, as same-sex marriage is forbidden in Arizona and the state doesn’t recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
Thomas and Nancy agree they should end the marriage. ’’If you took away the transgender part of it, it’s a garden-variety divorce case,’’ said David Higgins, Nancy’s attorney.
limbo:名詞,被忽略,或者過渡、不明狀態或地帶。例句:The project has hit a snag and still remains in limbo.(這項專案遇到阻礙了,仍擱置中。)
hang in the balance:動詞片語,懸而未決。例句:Lives of those miners trapped underground still hang in the balance.(那些受困地底礦工的生死仍未卜。)
garden-variety:口語,非常普通的、司空見慣的。例句:It is just a garden-variety shop.(那只是一家非常普通的店。)
文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞