Think of cats as cute purring bundles of fur? Think again. A new study says free-roaming kitties are serious killers.
Such cats are a leading cause of deaths of birds and small mammals in the United States, with pet and ownerless cats blamed for killing up to 3.7 billion birds and as many as 20.7 billion other animals each year, government scientists said in a study released on Tuesday.
Ownerless cats, including barn cats, strays and feral colonies, are behind the vast majority of bird and mammal deaths, according to the study, "The impact of free-ranging cats on wildlife in the United States," published Tuesday in the online journal Nature Communications.
The findings by researchers with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service show the bulk of birds killed by cats in the United States - excluding Alaska and Hawaii - were native species.
Cats largely prey on non-native mice and rats in densely populated urban areas where native wildlife is scarce, the research shows.
By contrast, cats in suburban and rural areas kill mostly native mice, shrews, voles, squirrels and rabbits.
Domestic cats are considered among the 100 worst non-native invasive species in the world yet control of the creatures has not been widely addressed by local, state and federal governments, the study shows.(Reuters)
free-ranging:形容詞,自由放養的。例句:Free-ranging pets can cause many problems.(自由放養的寵物可能造成許多問題。)
prey on:片語,捕食、掠奪、以……為食。例句:The lions prey on deers and other wild animals. (獅子捕食鹿與其他野生動物。)
address:動詞,處理、對付。例句:We need to address the issue immediately. (我們必須立刻處理這個問題。)
文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞