
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150202/36365483/UNBROKEN

The new movie Unbroken , by director Angelina Jolie, follows the life and trials of an athletic champion and American hero, Louis Zamperini, through the excitement of the Olympics to the misery of war.
Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, in Olean, New York, to Italian immigrants. When his family moved to California in 1919, they spoke no English, which made Zamperini a target for bullies. As a child, he was always getting into fights and getting in trouble with the police, but Zamperini really stood out in track and field. His older brother encouraged him to get into running, which helped him stay out of trouble. Zamperini soon became a fanatic and practiced day and night. His enduring drive earned him a scholarship to the University of Southern California and eventually a chance to compete in the Olympics. Zamperini's real test, however, came during World War II when he became a prisoner of war. While captured by the Japanese, Zamperini was tortured and beaten, but his enduring will to survive kept him alive.
詹帕瑞尼於 1917 年一月二十六日出生於紐約州的奧利安市,他是義大利移民的後裔。1919 年他的家人搬到加州時,他們完全不會說英文,也因此使得詹帕瑞尼成為被霸凌的對象。他年少的時候,總是和人打架而常出入警局,但是詹帕瑞尼在田徑方面的表現相當傑出。他的哥哥鼓勵他從事跑步運動,也因此幫助他遠離麻煩。很快地,詹帕瑞尼變得熱愛跑步,而且日夜不停地練習。他持續不斷的努力替他贏得了去南加州大學就讀的獎學金,並且最終有機會出賽奧運。然而,第二次世界大戰期間,詹帕瑞尼真正的考驗來臨了,那時他變成了一名戰俘。詹帕瑞尼被日本人俘虜,他遭到折磨和毆打,但是他堅強的求生意志讓他活了下來。 

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