行政院發布最新一波內閣人事,內政部長李鴻源確定去職,職缺由行政院秘書長陳威仁出任, 政務委員張善政則接任,首任的科技部長,台大教授魏國彥則出任環保署署長。
[[內政部長 李鴻源]]
[[新任內政部長 陳威仁]]
“院長徵詢我的時間非常短,他是在禮拜天下午,把我叫到行政院來,到了昨天晚上(九點多) ,江院長再打電話給我,綜合考量的結果希望我還是能夠去接內政部”
至於內閣其他人事調動部分,首任科技部長則由政務委員張善政出任; 環保署長將由台大教授魏國彥接替。兩位新政務委員,則由國安會副秘書長鄧振中及台大教授蔣炳煌接任。
A Cabinet reshuffle will lead to six posts being filled with new faces. The biggest change was at the Ministry of the Interior, where Cabinet Secretary-General Chen Wei-zen will replace Minister Lee Hong-yuan.
The interior minister had a mooted reaction when asked about the cabinet reshuffle. He will return to his teaching position at National Taiwan University.
Lee Hong-yuan
Outgoing Interior Minister
My mood is calm. Senior officials have different things to think about, and we just need to respect the decisions of our superiors. It’s normal for government officials to come and go. I feel fine.
Replacing Lee is Cabinet Secretary-General Chen Wei-zen. His post will be filled by New Taipei Deputy Mayor Lee Shu-chuan.
Chen Wei-zen
Incoming Interior Minister
The premier met with me for only a very short time. On Sunday afternoon, he asked me to go to the Executive Yuan. It was only yesterday evening that Premier Chiang called me again. His overall determination was that I should head the Ministry of the Interior.
Other appointments include Minister Without Portfolio Simon Chang as head of the new Ministry of Science and Technology. NTU Professor Wei Kuo-yen will head the Environmental Protection Administration. And there will be two new ministers without portfolio: John C.C. Deng, the deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council, and Chiang Been-huang, another NTU professor.