




手上十多包,剛從醫院領回來的藥袋,有降血壓的藥物,還有安眠藥,居民懷疑 睡眠不安穩、頭暈、血壓飆高,跟住家旁的這支風車機,大有關係。

“你每天光這些吃藥,腦神經衰弱 你就很痛苦了 ,哪有辦法再做事 ,每天一直吃藥 真的可憐 ,大大小小都得吃藥 ,一下子這個不舒服 ,一下子那個不舒服,真的很吵 ,我想說看有沒有辦法拿柴刀砍掉它,不然就要等它天然倒塌“


[[林憲三 苗栗後龍居民]]

[[蔡玉霞 苗栗後龍居民]]
“他(居民)說風車不要再來,因為我的孫子都不回來,回來的時候,他說阿嬤 為什麼我們這邊有恐龍,晚上都有轟轟轟,孫子說不敢回來,回來不敢睡,會怕“


[[蔡易謀 苗栗後龍]]

[[翁?章 苗栗後龍居民]]
“我們不反對風力發電,我們贊同綠能,我一直強調 我們贊同綠能,可是好的東西 要設置在對的地方 ,他們把風車設置在,距離住宅不遠的地方 ,誰願意啊 ,你睡不著,說難聽一點毛病都來了 ,身體失去健康 萬貫家財又何用 

只是,這樣的噪音,記者來到現場拍攝 ,卻收不到聲音,原來現在不是東北季風的季節,風車機只發出「低頻噪音」,攝影機收不到聲音,但低頻噪音跟人體器官的共振頻率接近,會對頭、胸腔、心臟、腹腔 ,產生共振的影響。

[[林嘉謨主任 新光醫院睡眠中心]]
“機器運轉的時候會有振動,這些振動來講,它並不是噪音 ,因為其實一般噪音可以用噪音器測量,可是對於振動所產生的低頻噪音 ,一般並沒有辦法去測量 “


[[林嘉謨主任 新光醫院睡眠中心]]
“可能來講就是會產生耳鳴,長期處在低頻噪音底下,某一些低頻聽力都會損,如果長期處在這種(環境),幾個月,幾年下來,的確會影響到你的睡眠,也會影響到整個自律神經系統,然後會干擾到慢性病的控制,像血壓、像血糖、像心律等等,都會有影響,甚至於就是睡眠 “

沿著西部岸走,從桃園到雲林之間,巨型風車聳立沿海,不停地轉動著,地狹人稠的台灣,風車架設的位置 ,距離沿海的聚落,往往不過一、兩百公尺,靠民宅太近了。



Residents who live near wind turbines complain of insomnia, other ailments (2013/06/09)

Wind power has become a valuable source of clean energy in Taiwan. But the turbines that generate it are the nemesis of some residents who live along the west coast. They complain that noise from the turbines disrupts their sleeps and leads to countless ailments. 

This woman is pointing at a turbine just 100 meters from her home. Members of this household in Da-an District, Taichung, say they suffer greatly.

Resident of Da-an District
I get migraines all day long, especially when the northeast monsoon winds arrive. It’s not a gentle sound. It’s a loud humming. At night it’s impossible to sleep.

Doctors prescribed the woman more than 10 kinds of medicine. There are pills to reduce her blood pressure and others to help her sleep. Residents attribute the sleeping problems, dizziness and high blood pressure they experience to the wind turbines beside their home.

Resident of Da-an District
Taking these medicines every day weakens your mind and causes great pain. It puts us in a sad state, making us incapable of doing anything besides taking more medicine. All of us have to take these medicines because different parts of the body hurt from one moment to the next. It’s really loud. I wonder if I could chop it down with a machete or if I should just wait for it to fall on its own. 

This is Haowang Cape, in Miaoli’s Houlong Township. Over the past decade 26 wind turbines were erected here. Local resident Lin Sian-san’s林憲三home is surrounded by them.

Lin Sian-san
Resident of Houlong Township
It’s not right to build these wind turbines. It really disrupts us locals. When the wind is strong we can’t sleep. The noise is loud all night long. It’s only quiet when the weather is good. We made a big mistake letting them build these.

Tsai Yu-hsia
Resident of Houlong Township
She (my neighbor) says she wants the wind turbines to stay away because they keep her grandchild from returning. When he does return he asks grandma, why do we have dinosaurs here? She tells him there are no dinosaurs, but he insists there are and says they make a loud humming sound at night. Her grandchild is scared to visit, and when he does, he has trouble sleeping at night.

The residents strongly oppose placement of the turbines because the noise disrupts their sleep.

Tsai Yi-mou
Resident of Houlong Township
We have 26 wind turbines here and there are plans to add another three. Originally we thought it would be ok, but we don’t want any more. They won’t take down the old ones. They say they want to leave them there 20 years, but not many of us will live that long. We don’t have that much time so we don’t want them to add anymore.

Weng Kun-jhang
Resident of Houlong Township
We aren’t against wind power and have always supported green energy. Turbines are good, but they need to be built in the right places. They built these turbines close to a residential area. Who can agree with this? We can’t sleep and have all begun to experience ailments. Forget any wealth we may have, we’re losing our health.

When our reporting team arrived at the village we couldn’t record sounds from the turbines because it wasn’t the monsoon season. The turbines only made low frequency sounds that our video cameras can’t pick up. But the sounds are near the resonant frequency of many organs, so they can affect the head, thoracic cavity, heart and abdominal cavity.

Lin Chia-mo
Director, Shin Kong Sleep Center
When machines move they vibrate. These vibrations aren’t noise. If they were noise, you could use a sound detector to measure them. Generally you can’t measure the low frequency sounds created by vibrations.

When the sounds reach locals they are about 45 decibels. That’s about as loud as a window AC or a refrigerator. Consider this: could you accept living in an environment where you are exposed to these low frequency sounds 24 hours a day for more than six months a year?

Lin Chia-mo
Director, Shin Kong Sleep Center
It could cause tinnitus. If you are exposed to low frequency sounds over a long period of time your ability to hear these sounds will diminish. Several months or years of living in this kind of environment would definitely affect your sleep. It would disrupt your entire autonomic nervous system and your ability to manage chronic diseases. Your blood pressure, blood sugar and cardiac rhythm would all be impacted. Most importantly it would affect your sleep.

Wind turbines tower over the west coast between Taoyuan and Yunlin, endlessly spinning. Land is sparse and densely populated. The turbines stand within 100 or 200 meters of coastal settlements, far too close to people’s homes.

Starting in September 2012, residents of four villages in Miaoli’s Yuanli Township began to fiercely resist construction of wind turbines in their area. They traveled north to the Bureau of Energy, pleading with officials to build the turbines farther away from their homes. The bureau said it had no way of stopping the project because an environmental impact assessment had given approval to the private company Tongwei. The bureau only asked the company to communicate more with local residents.

Next week we will look at why the government wants to build these turbines in spite of their noise.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

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