
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

在國內常常見到一個情景,當本地人幫完一個外國人之後,人家跟你說"Thank you very much. Thanks for everything." 你卻一時不知應對,只能靦腆的傻笑。其實你可以跟他說: "You are welcome."今天再教你一句很棒的句子,那就是"The pleasure is all mine." 「榮幸之至。」
A:Thank you very much for everything. You´ve been so helpful.
B:The pleasure is all mine. Just let me know if there´s anything else I can do for you. 
A:Thank you very much, I will. If you happen to come to America, please do look me up. 
甲﹕非常謝謝你, 我會的。如果你到美國來,請跟我聯絡呀。
除了"The pleasure is all mine."之外,你還可以說: "It´s my pleasure."或是更簡單地說: "My pleasure."
人家向你道謝,說Thank you,你回答可以是You are (most) welcome.或The pleasure is all mine. 意譯都是「別客氣」。
此外當然還有其他說法。一是Don´t mention it.(請勿掛齒),帶點舊時代的客氣; 一是Not at all.(一點都不用謝),似乎有點紓尊降貴意味,例如:Thank you for your hospitality. (謝謝你熱情招待)、Don´t mention it.(請勿掛齒)
"That´s all right."或That´s okay. 都可譯做「沒關係」,語氣隨便而友善,例如:"Thanks for your help, Tom. That´s all right. (湯姆,謝謝幫忙。別客氣。)
It was nothing.(那不算甚麼。)、It was no trouble.(舉手之勞而已。)都是謙稱自己沒給人甚麼恩惠,例如:I don´t know what I´d have done without you. (沒有你,我當時真不知怎麼辦。)、 It was nothing. (那算得甚麼。)
You are welcome. 是美式英語,但在英國也日見通用,例如:Many thanks indeed.(謝謝你啊。)或 "You are most welcome."(別客氣。)把東西遞給人家等一些真正的舉手之勞,假如獲人致謝,可以不答,但也可用這句套語回答。
The pleasure is (all/entirely) mine. 和It is a pleasure. 一樣,都是「很高興能為你效勞」的意思,客氣而友善,例如:Thank you. I´m most grateful. (謝謝你,感激得很。)(或)加 It was a pleasure.(別客氣。)



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