More Than Just a Haircut 剪下頭髮,付出愛心 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 ou feel like getting your long hair cut short, so you go to a hair salon. The hairstylist pulls everything into a ponytail and cuts it all off, but don’t let him or her throw it away. Instead, tell them that you want to donate your hair to making wigs for cancer victims. Organizations, such as Pantene Beautiful Lengths, Wigs for Kids, and Locks of Love, do just that. They take people’s generous donations of hair and create natural-looking wigs specially made to fit each individual’s head. The wigs are able to withstand wear and tear, so they allow the wearers to lead normal lives. The best part is that they do it all for free. If you are keen on donating, your hair needs to be 20 to 30 centimeters long. All hair colors and textures are needed since it takes anywhere from 12 to 25 ponytails to make one wig. 您想把自己的長髮剪短,所以您就前往某家美髮沙龍。髮型設計師把您整頭秀髮紮成一束馬尾後便一刀剪斷,但請別讓他或她把頭髮丟掉。您反而可以告訴他們您想捐出您的頭髮,好製成給癌症患者穿戴的假髮。 像是 Pantene Beautiful Lengths、Wigs for Kids 和 Locks of Love 等組織團體所做的就是這類的事。他們會把人們慷慨捐贈的頭髮拿來製成看似自然、而且能符合個人頭型的假髮。這種假髮能經得起長時間的磨損,好讓戴的人可以過正常的生活。而最棒的部分就在於他們完全不收費。 如果您很熱心想捐贈,您的頭髮必須長達二十到三十公分才行。因為製作一頂假髮得用上十二至二十五束馬尾,所以需要各種髮色及髮質的頭髮。 |