[[美國眾議員 蘿絲蕾堤南]]
[[前AIT理事主席 Richard Bush]]
[[美國亞洲事務專家 John Tkacik]]
[[前眾議員索拉茲夫人 Nina Solarz]]
“索拉茲認識很多世界上的領袖,我必須說 在索拉茲眼中 在我眼中,蔡博士在名單的最上頭,讓我最後說一句 索拉茲常對台灣,和台裔美國友人說的話,"台灣民主萬歲"”
A special concert will be held tomorrow in honor of former DPP Legislator Trong Chai. Several US politicians who worked with Chai over the years in the fight to gain and uphold Taiwanese democracy paid tribute through a series of short videos.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
US Congresswoman
Dr. Chai was a patriot. He was a true leader of the people of Taiwan. We will all miss his talent and his dedication to fighting for a free and democratic society.
Chai died earlier this year. A number of political figures who contributed to democracy in Taiwan made video recordings of their memories of Chai.
Richard Bush
Former AIT Chairman
What I most admired about him is that once he decided what needed to be done, he would keep doing it, and get others to help him do it, until it was accomplished.
A former diplomat and academic praised Chai for his role in founding FTV.
John Tkacik
Asia Policy Expert
Formosa Television network on cable TV, to me that was the first real break in the monopoly of information that the KMT and the government had set up at that time. Really the most important thing was news about Taiwan for the Taiwan audience, which I think was a major stepping stone in Taiwan’s development as a democracy.
One of the US politicians Chai worked with most was Stephen Solarz, a US congressional representative. Solarz passed away, but his wife offered her memories of Chai, and used Taiwanese to say the words “long live Taiwan democracy.”
Nina Solarz
Wife of Late Congressman
Steve dealt with many leaders around the world, and I have to say, that in Steve’s eyes, and in my eyes, Dr. Chai was at the very top of the list. Let me close by saying that Steve was to say to his Taiwanese and Taiwanese-American friends all the time: (Long live Taiwan democracy.)
Tomorrow Chai’s family will hold a commemorative concert for people to pay tribute to this important political figure.