[[氣象預報員 洪甄聲]]
“明天白天開始高溫會逐步回升,那到禮拜六的時候,各地高溫都可以在20度以上,那從禮拜六開始到下禮拜三,溫度逐漸回升,北部地區可回到24、 25度, 那南部地區,可以回升到27 28度左右的高溫”
Taiwan continues to be gripped by a cold spell, with snow falling in several mountain areas around the island. But the Central Weather Bureau says the weather will warm up beginning Friday, with temperatures hitting as high as 27 degrees early next week.
The cold shrouding Taiwan has turned the peak of the island’s highest mountain, Yushan, completely white.
Snow has also accumulated on other mountains, including Alishan and Hohuanshan in central Taiwan and Taipingshan in Yilan County.
The cold has also been felt in low-lying areas around Taiwan. But as the cold front weakens, temperatures will rise, and highs of 27 degrees are expected until next Wednesday.
Hong Jhen-sheng
CWB Forecaster
It will gradually turn warmer tomorrow during the day, and by Saturday, highs around Taiwan will be above 20 degrees. Temperatures will rise further between Saturday and next Wednesday, leading to highs of 24-25 degrees in northern Taiwan and about 27-28 degrees in southern areas.
Moisture in the air is also expected to drop, meaning less of a chance of rain and a higher probability of good weather in the coming days.