The Facebook of the News 臉書將挑戰傳統新聞媒體! 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 In yet another step toward global control, Facebook is taking over the news. Instead of journalists or news editors deciding which articles are featured and read, Facebook will use a very powerful algorithm, which will tailor its newsfeed to the interests of each user. This way, individual people on their Facebook page will only see news articles that they care about or are interested in. It is estimated that 30 percent of Americans already get their news from Facebook, a percentage which is likely to grow, considering that many young users are turning away from print news. In addition, Facebook has all the data on what news articles a user is reading and what the user’s friends are reading as well. 臉書打算取代傳統新聞媒體,向獨霸全球更邁進一步。不像以往由新聞記者或編輯來決定哪些文章要刊出報導,臉書將利用一套非常強大的運算系統,依各用戶的興趣來編排動態消息。這樣一來,每個人的臉書頁面只會看到他們關心或有興趣的新聞文章。 據估計有三成的美國人已從臉書上取得新聞資訊,這樣的百分比數很有可能會增加,鑑於許多年輕的使用者已不再讀平面新聞。此外,臉書擁有每個用戶正在讀什麼文章的數據資料,也有用戶的朋友們正在讀什麼文章的資料。 |