A Texas company could have the answer to some consumers’ unwelcome discovery that just-purchased loaves contain mold.
MicroZap Inc. claims its technology allows bread to stay mold-free for 60 days. The bread is bombarded with microwaves for about 10 seconds, which kills the mold spores, said chief executive officer Don Stull said.
The process could eliminate bakers’ need for preservatives and ingredients used to mask preservatives’ flavor, as well as reduce food waste and increase bread’s shelf life, he said.
Researchers at Texas Tech University also see using the technology in bread made in developing countries, where there are fewer food safety standards and spoilage is a problem.
After 60 days, researchers found the treated bread that remained packaged had the same mold content when compared to a freshly baked loaf, Stull said. In the end, though, he knows it comes down to consumers’ palates.
’’The consumers saw no discernible quality difference in the breads,’’ Stull said of testers who found the treated bread’s taste and texture unchanged. (AP)
keep...at bay:片語,不使…接近,躲避。例句:I’m trying to keep my ex-boyfriends at bay.(我努力躲避前男友們。)
come down to:片語,追根究柢,最重要的還是……。例句:The problem comes down to money. (追根究柢,問題還是在錢。)
discernible:形容詞,可識別的。例句:The scandal had no discernible effect on his career. (醜聞對他的事業沒有明顯影響。)
文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞