遊覽車一輛接著一輛,還有全家大小自行開車來的,爆發" 未環評先開發"的悠活麗緻渡假村,
民國八十八年開發的悠活渡假村, 一,二區在95年取得旅館使用執照,之後擴大的三到六區都未取得館使用執照,但業者卻以是給"永久會員"使用來規避法令,而遭到屏東縣政府依未經許可擴大規模使用而開罰。環評部份也一拖七年才送件,屏東地檢署也將介入了解。
[[屏檢主任檢察官 蔡榮龍]]
Prosecutors ready to look into potential irregularities in beach resort supervision (2013/05/05)
The popular Yoho Beach Resort in Kending has been in business for 14 years. But only recently did it come to light that a good part of the resort has operated without a license or passed an environmental assessment. Environmental agencies are now looking into what went wrong and what can be done, and prosecutors want to know if agencies supervising the resort did anything illegal.
One tour bus after another drives up to the Yoho Beach Resort. So do families in their cars. Despite the controversy over the resort’s legality, weekends are as busy as ever.
The resort opened in 1999, but it didn’t receive a business license to operate in the first two zones it occupied until 2006. The resort then expanded into four other zones, but never got a license or environmental approval for any part of that. Instead, guests were called “permanent members” to get around the law. Pingtung County has fined the resort for expanding without approval, and prosecutors are looking into why the project’s original environmental impact assessment took seven years to complete.
Tsai Rong-long
Pingtung Chief Prosecutor
On the environmental impact assessment, why is it that so much time has gone by without implementing the assessment? Did the behavior of the agencies involved constitute illegal acts?
Many parts of the Yoho Beach Resort have been operating without regulatory approval for many years. Though the hotel expansion did not pass environmental assessments, the county government has only fined it twice. Now, however, the resort may finally come under the scrutiny that has long been missing.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞