海豹部隊又稱為SEAL,是Sea, Air和Land的簡寫,代表他們能夠執行水中偵查、陸上特種勤務以及空降的「三棲作戰」。
[[軍事專家 陳國銘]]
New book reveals what life is like for America’s leading fighters (2013/04/29)
A new book uses never-before seen photographs and articles to chronicle America’s Navy SEALs, the elite warriors best known for their attack on former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
Navy SEALs broke into the house of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and put an end to his life with a bullet to the head. After carrying out this military exercise, the secretive group gained immediate media exposure.
The acronym SEAL stands for Sea, Air and Land. It can operate in virtually every environment and excels in amphibious and airborne combat.
Chen Guo-ming
Military Expert
Aside from basic training, Navy SEALs learn blasting and demolition. Members of the team are trained to have a special expertise to become an all-purpose fighting force in the sea, land and air.
SEALs often speak two or three languages and must be in top physical shape. Harsh training includes 25 weeks of water exercises where one must dive into the water with hands and feet bound to retrieve a mask. And over a period of five and a half days continuous training, each candidate only gets four hours of sleep while undergoing physical drills 20 hours a day, covering as much as 321 kilometers.
While Taiwan doesn’t have amphibious combat troops, the Army does have an Air Special Services Commando unit and the Navy has an Underwater Demolition Team that carries out activities similar to the Navy SEALs.