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The Facebook of the News

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150208/36377600/TheFacebookoftheNews

In yet another step toward global control, Facebook is taking over the news. Instead of journalists or news editors deciding which articles are featured and read, Facebook will use a very powerful algorithm, which will tailor its newsfeed to the interests of each user. This way, individual people on their Facebook page will only see news articles that they care about or are interested in.
It is estimated that 30 percent of Americans already get their news from Facebook, a percentage which is likely to grow, considering that many young users are turning away from print news. In addition, Facebook has all the data on what news articles a user is reading and what the user’s friends are reading as well.

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150202/36365483/UNBROKEN

The new movie Unbroken , by director Angelina Jolie, follows the life and trials of an athletic champion and American hero, Louis Zamperini, through the excitement of the Olympics to the misery of war.
Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, in Olean, New York, to Italian immigrants. When his family moved to California in 1919, they spoke no English, which made Zamperini a target for bullies. As a child, he was always getting into fights and getting in trouble with the police, but Zamperini really stood out in track and field. His older brother encouraged him to get into running, which helped him stay out of trouble. Zamperini soon became a fanatic and practiced day and night. His enduring drive earned him a scholarship to the University of Southern California and eventually a chance to compete in the Olympics. Zamperini's real test, however, came during World War II when he became a prisoner of war. While captured by the Japanese, Zamperini was tortured and beaten, but his enduring will to survive kept him alive.
詹帕瑞尼於 1917 年一月二十六日出生於紐約州的奧利安市,他是義大利移民的後裔。1919 年他的家人搬到加州時,他們完全不會說英文,也因此使得詹帕瑞尼成為被霸凌的對象。他年少的時候,總是和人打架而常出入警局,但是詹帕瑞尼在田徑方面的表現相當傑出。他的哥哥鼓勵他從事跑步運動,也因此幫助他遠離麻煩。很快地,詹帕瑞尼變得熱愛跑步,而且日夜不停地練習。他持續不斷的努力替他贏得了去南加州大學就讀的獎學金,並且最終有機會出賽奧運。然而,第二次世界大戰期間,詹帕瑞尼真正的考驗來臨了,那時他變成了一名戰俘。詹帕瑞尼被日本人俘虜,他遭到折磨和毆打,但是他堅強的求生意志讓他活了下來。 

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LeBron James (NBA 球員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/06/lebron-james/

“I like criticism. It makes you strong.”

– LeBron James, NBA Player
「我喜歡別人的批評,它使你強壯。」– 雷蒙‧詹姆士 (NBA 球員)

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More Than Just a Haircut

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150209/36378672/MoreThanJustaHaircut

ou feel like getting your long hair cut short, so you go to a hair salon. The hairstylist pulls everything into a ponytail and cuts it all off, but don’t let him or her throw it away. Instead, tell them that you want to donate your hair to making wigs for cancer victims.
Organizations, such as Pantene Beautiful Lengths, Wigs for Kids, and Locks of Love, do just that. They take people’s generous donations of hair and create natural-looking wigs specially made to fit each individual’s head. The wigs are able to withstand wear and tear, so they allow the wearers to lead normal lives. The best part is that they do it all for free.
If you are keen on donating, your hair needs to be 20 to 30 centimeters long. All hair colors and textures are needed since it takes anywhere from 12 to 25 ponytails to make one wig.
像是 Pantene Beautiful Lengths、Wigs for Kids 和 Locks of Love 等組織團體所做的就是這類的事。他們會把人們慷慨捐贈的頭髮拿來製成看似自然、而且能符合個人頭型的假髮。這種假髮能經得起長時間的磨損,好讓戴的人可以過正常的生活。而最棒的部分就在於他們完全不收費。

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It’s a Small World

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150201/36364155/It%E2%80%99saSmallWorld

On December 16, 2014, a newly constructed amusement park for children opened its doors in the Shihlin district of Taipei. The goal of the Taipei Children’s Amusement Park is to give children from all over Taiwan a place to play and have fun. The park will feature a tree house, roller coaster, pirate ship, Ferris wheel, bumper cars, and much more.
The five-hectare park is currently the only amusement park in Taiwan entirely owned and operated by the public. The former mayor of Taipei, Hau Lung-bin, said he hoped that the park would become a big success and added that he wished to create a playful paradise for children. Each attraction at the park has a height limit to keep all park visitors safe.
2014 年十二月十六日,新建的兒童樂園在台北市士林區開幕了。台北兒童樂園的目標是提供全台的兒童一個玩樂的地方。遊樂園有樹屋、雲霄飛車、海盜船、摩天輪、碰碰車和更多遊樂措施作為特色。

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Jeffrey Immelt (奇異公司執行長)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/jeffrey-immelt-2/

“I’m an optimist. I’ve always believed the future is going to be better than the past. And I also believe I have a role in that. The great thing about human beings, myself in particular, is that I can change. I can do better. If you can get up every day, stay optimistic, and believe the future is better than the past, those few things get you through a lot of tough times.”

– Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE
「我是個樂觀的人,我一向相信未來會比過去好,而且我相信自己在這過程占有一席之地。人類的可貴之處,特別是我自己,是我可以改變,我可以做得更好。如果你可以每天起床,保持樂觀,相信未來將比過去好,這將帶領你克服很多困難。」– 傑夫‧伊梅爾特 (奇異公司執行長)

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Oprah Winfrey (脫口秀主持人)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/oprah-winfrey-6/

“It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.”

– Oprah Winfrey, Talk Show Host
「你是誰、你的過去都不重要,成功的能力永遠都從你開始。」– 歐普拉‧溫芙蕾 (脫口秀主持人)

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Sporting Abilites Overcome Disabilities
突破障礙 可能無限

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150131/36362348/SportingAbilitesOvercomeDisabilities

One of the most famous disabled athletes of all time is former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher, Jim Abbott. Born without a right hand, he would not let his handicap get in the way of his dreams of pitching in the MLB. In 1989, his dream came true when he made his debut with the California Angels. He would go on to enjoy a solid 10-year career in the majors. In 1993, while pitching for the New York Yankees, Abbott even threw a no-hitter.
Abbott has inspired countless other athletes. Among them is Dawson Batts, a 12-year-old baseball player with only one arm. Like Abbott, Batts pitches, and even bats and plays in the field. He is living proof that, with enough passion and support, disabilities can be beaten.
有史以來最有名的殘障運動員之一就是前美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)投手 —— 吉姆•亞伯特。他出生時便沒有右手,但他沒有讓這殘疾阻礙他在大聯盟投球的夢想。1989 年他以加州天使隊的球員身分首次登場時,他的夢想實現了。他後來在大聯盟維持了整整十年的職棒生涯。1993 年代表紐約洋基隊主投比賽時,亞伯特甚至投出了一場完投(無安打比賽)。
亞伯特鼓舞了無數的其他運動員。這些人當中有一位是十二歲的獨臂棒球選手 —— 道森•貝茲。就像亞伯特一樣,貝茲會投球、而且甚至可以上場打擊並守備。擁有足夠的熱情和支持就能克服殘障,他就是一個活生生的證明。

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Howard Schultz (星巴克執行長)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/howard-schultz/

“But when you really believe – in yourself, in your dream – you just have to do everything you possibly can to take control and make your vision a reality. No great achievement happens by luck.”

– Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks
「當你真正相信 – 你自己、你的夢想 – 你必須盡一切可能來主導並使你的願景成真,沒有偉大的成就是偶然發生的。」– 霍華‧蕭茲 (星巴克執行長)

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Dennis DeYoung (音樂家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/dennis-deyoung/

“Winners are losers who got up and gave it just one more try.”

– Dennis DeYoung, Musician
「贏利者只是站起來再試一次的失敗者。」– 丹尼士.德揚 (音樂家)

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Ice Sculpting Around the World
鬼斧神工 ·雕塑冰雪奇幻世界

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150130/36359279/IceSculptingAroundtheWorld

In Canada, ice sculpting is part of the Quebec City Winter Carnival and a three-day celebration occurs at Lake Louise in Banff National Park called Ice Magic. Meanwhile, the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan is also world famous. One of the best-known festivals takes place each year in Harbin, in China’s Heilongjiang Province. The tradition of ice sculpting in Harbin actually dates back to at least the 1600s, when fishermen began making lanterns out of ice.
It is not known exactly when the practice of ice sculpting began. If one considers the cutting of ice into blocks to make igloos to be ice sculpting, then the art indeed has a long history. In regions that are now part of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, people started making igloos about 4,000 years ago.

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Leonardo da Vinci (藝術家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/leonardo-da-vinci-3/

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.”

– Leonardo da Vinci, Artist
「我已銘記行動之迫切性,知道還不夠,我們必須應用;願意還不夠,我們必須行動。」– 李奧納多‧達文西 (藝術家)

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Eric Allenbaugh (成功教練)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/08/eric-allenbaugh/

“If you don’t take charge of shaping your own destiny, others will apply their agenda to you.”

– Dr. Eric Allenbaugh, Success Coach
「你若不主動建構自己的命運,別人將會把他們的計畫加諸在你身上。」– 埃里克‧愛倫包夫博士 (成功教練)

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Get Stoked for GoPro
酷炫多功能攝影機 —— GoPro

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150129/36357018/GetStokedforGoPro

In 2002, Nick Woodman was surfing in Australia and became frustrated that there was no cost-efficient way to take high-quality action shots of his surfing. He wanted a reasonably priced camera that could get up close and capture professional angles. It was this desire that inspired the creation of GoPro.
Adventurers and extreme sports enthusiasts have used this little camera on the tops of mountains or at the bottom of the ocean. On YouTube, the GoPro channel has a variety of videos, which feature many people using GoPro in a lot of different ways. Whether it is playing catch with a friend, doing a back flip on a bicycle, or even catching a rare glimpse of a killer whale, this camera has seen it all.
2002 年時,尼克•伍德曼在澳洲衝浪時變得很沮喪,因

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Ray Kroc (企業家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/ray-kroc/

“Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.”

– Ray Kroc, Entrepreneur
「好運是努力的附帶好處,你流的汗水愈多,你就愈幸運。」– 雷‧克羅克 (企業家)

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Jack Nicklaus (高爾夫球員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/jack-nicklaus/

“Learn the fundamentals of the game and stick to them. Band-aid remedies never last.”

– Jack Nicklaus, Golfer
「學會並堅守球賽的基本法則,OK 繃的補救方式絕對無法持久。」– 傑克‧尼克勞斯 (高爾夫球員)

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Smashing the Schneeballen
超紓壓甜點 敲!敲!繽紛雪球樂

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150127/36352592/SmashingtheSchneeballen

Schneeballen is the German word for snowball. It is also the name of a delicious treat, which has become a huge hit in Korea and Taiwan. The colorful balls of short-crust pastry were first made 300 years ago in a small town in southern Germany. It was there that they were traditionally served at weddings and other celebrations.
Schneeballen is available in a wide range of flavors, including chocolate, coconut, and cinnamon, as well as salty flavors. However, the best thing about eating schneeballen is not just the delicious flavors. Before they can be eaten, they are put into a paper or plastic bag and crushed into hundreds of bite-sized pieces with a special wooden hammer. It is therefore no surprise that schneeballen is such a smash hit!
Schneeballen 是德語「雪球」的意思。它也是一種美味甜點的名字,而且已在韓國和台灣走紅了。五彩繽紛的球形酥脆糕點製作源自於三百年前德國南部的小鎮。傳統上, 德國雪球餅乾在婚禮和其他的慶典上有供應。

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Have a weakness 原來是喜歡?

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/18590726

Daniel邀他的英國同事參加品酒會。英國同事回答:I have a weakness for fine wine.


老外說的have a weakness for something其實不是指弱點,而是「完全沒有招架能力」。如果有人說:I have a weakness for chocolate. 就是指他喜愛巧克力喜愛得不得了。

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The Adventures of Tintin

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150118/36335113/TheAdventuresofTintin

The young fearless reporter from Belgium, Tintin, leapt onto comics January 10, 1929. First written and illustrated by cartoonist Georges Remi, The Adventures of Tintin has amazed and delighted readers for more than 80 years. Since then, stories of Tintin and his trusty four-legged sidekick, Snowy, have been translated into 70 languages and adapted into cartoons, magazines, albums, and even movies. What makes Tintin so attractive is his everyman quality. He is well-rounded and clever enough to draw in new readers and keep loyal fans hooked. As such, readers around the globe have followed Tintin in many of his adventures like fighting pirates, flying through space, and even battling monsters.
1929 年一月十日,來自比利時年輕勇敢的記者 —— 丁丁躍上了連載漫畫。最初由漫畫家喬治•勒米撰寫及繪圖,《丁丁歷險記》八十多年來讓讀者感到驚奇和開心。從那時候起,丁丁和他可靠的四腳夥伴 —— 米魯的故事被翻譯成七十種語言,也被改編成卡通、雜誌、畫冊,甚至電影。丁丁大眾般的個性是他如此吸引人的原因。他的面面俱到跟聰明才智吸引了新的讀者並牢牢抓住忠實粉絲。因此,全球的讀者跟隨丁丁進入他的冒險旅程,像是跟海盜對決、在空中飛行,甚至和怪獸搏鬥。

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菠菜可代替能源 Spinach Could Lead to Alternative Energy

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/18592088

 Spinach has long been known as the source of cartoon character-Popeye's super strength, but recently a group of scientists believe that it also (1) holds the key to clean, efficient and sustainable alternative fuel. Purdue University physicists, along with their international peers, are studying the proteins found in spinach, which convert sunlight into chemical energy.

  菠菜一直被視為卡通人物—大力水卜派的超級力量來源,最近有一群科學家認為,它也是沒有汙染性、節能且永續的關鍵替代燃料。 普渡大學的物理學家,以及它們 的國際團隊正在研究在菠菜中發現的蛋白質,可將太陽能轉化成化 學能。

  "The proteins we study are part of the most efficient system ever built, capable of converting the energy from the sun into chemical energy with an unrivaled 60 percent efficiency," says Yulia Pushkar, Assistant Professor of Physics at Purdue. Pushkar further states that understanding how this system works is critical for creating artificial photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is the process in which plants utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into energy. If scientists could harness the power of photosynthesis, mankind would have access to an effective, efficient and renewable energy source.

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