Q: 如何表達 there is/are 及 something/somebody 等不定代名詞的附加問句?
A:附加問句 (tag questions) 是英文一項重要的特色。附加問句構成的基本原則是:1. 附加問句的主詞與陳述句的主詞一致 2. 附加問句的助動詞與陳述句的助動詞 – be 動詞和語氣助動詞 – 一致 (若陳述句的動詞為普通動詞,則附加問句就使用 do, does 或 did) 3. 若陳述句為肯定,則附加問句通常為否定,反之亦然。請看下面的例句:
- You won’t forget to check my emails, will you? (你不會忘記查收我的電子郵件,對吧?)
- You play tennis on Thursdays usually, don’t you? (你經常在週四打網球,不是嗎?)
- You didn’t play baseball last Friday, did you? (上週五你沒有打棒球,是嗎?)
關於 there is/are 句型的陳述句,其附加問句的主詞仍使用 there 這個「假主詞」(preparatory subject):
- There’s nothing wrong, is there? (沒有什麼不對,是吧?)
- There weren’t any problems when you talked to Jack, were there? (你和傑克談話時沒有發生任何問題,對吧?)
至於以 something, somebody, anything, anybody, nothing, no one 等不定代名詞做主詞的陳述句,如果是 something, anything, nothing 等,那麼附加問句是使用 "it" 做主詞;若是 somebody, anybody, no one 等,則使用 "they" 做為附加問句的主詞:
- Something happened at John’s house, didn’t it? (約翰家裡發生了事情,不是嗎?)
- No one phoned, did they? (沒有人打電話,對吧?)
- Somebody wanted to borrow John’s bike, didn’t they? Who was it? (有人想要借約翰的單車,不是嗎? 是誰呢?)
- You haven’t fed the goldfish, have you? ~ No, I haven’t. You do it. (你沒有餵金魚,對吧? 對啊,我沒有餵。你現在去餵)
- Excessive speed was the cause of the accident, don’t you agree? ~ Yes, I do. (超速是這起事故的致因,你同不同意? 是的,我同意)
Let’s 的附加問句是 shall we? (表示建議):
- Let’s go to the movies tonight, shall we? (讓我們今晚去看電影,好嗎?)
英文還有所謂的「肯定的陳述句 – 肯定的附加問句」;在此情況中,我們是先用肯定的敘述來做猜測,然後用附加問句來詢問我們的猜測或假設是否正確:
- This is the final match of the season, is it? ~ Yes, that’s right. (這是本季最後一場比賽,是嗎? 是的,沒錯)
- She’s going to marry him, is she? (她將嫁給他,是嗎?)
- You think she’ll sue for divorce, do you? (你認為她會訴請離婚,對吧?)
- Open the door, will you? (把門打開,好嗎?)
- Open the door, won’t you?
這裡使用 will you? 或 won’t you? 的意思並沒有什麼不同,只是 won’t you? 是指說話者預期的回答是否定的。這種附加問句具有將祈使句的命令意味轉換為禮貌性請求的效果,所以它的作用與 please 一樣。所以上面的句子也可改成下面的講法,意思並無二致:
- Open the door, please.
- Open the door, will you please?
- Open the door, would you?
- Open the door, could you please?
- Could you open the door?
不過,要注意的是,在祈使句中不可使用 couldn’t you? 或 wouldn’t you?。