
Ahead of preparatory fishery talks, negotiators from Taiwan and Japan signed two unrelated agreements today. Analysts interpreted it as a gesture of goodwill ahead of the more sensitive talks tomorrow, but officials said the close timing was simply coincidental. 

Taiwanese and Japanese officials will discuss fishery rights tomorrow. Before then, the chairman of the Japan Interchange Association met with Liao Liou-yi, head of Taiwan’s Association of East Asian Relations. They signed an agreement to mutually recognize each other’s inspections of machinery and electronics goods and an MOU on industrial cooperation. Analysts think the timing shows that the two sides want to ease tensions following the recent controversy over the disputed Tiaoyutai Islands. 

Liao Liou-yi
Association of East Asian Relations
Your question overanalyzes. This wasn’t the meaning. It just happened that the 37th trade meeting took place at the end of November. It was the original plan. We are working hard to sign MOUs and MRAs, and the timing of the two unrelated events just happened to overlap.

Fishermen in Taiwan are most concerned about fishing talks, specifically where they will be allowed to fish. For an answer, they’ll have to wait for another day.

Liao Liou-yi
Association of East Asian Relations
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will respond to this.

Nevertheless, the agreements reached today are expected to strengthen trade relations between Taiwan and Japan.



[[亞東關係協會會長 廖了以]]
“你的問題過分敏感,完全沒有這個意思,剛好在11月底,召開37屆經貿會議,本來就是這樣,我們努力各項,MOU MRA能夠簽的話,都是大家努力的,我想剛好時間碰在一起,毫無關係”


[[亞東關係協會會長 廖了以]]


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