



[[跆拳道好手 蘇麗文]]


[[101登高賽選手 薛慶光]]


[[101登高賽選手 彭宏年]]

今年菁英名人男子組冠軍由去年的冠軍,澳洲選手彭恩(Mark Bourne),以10分52秒時間奪冠。女子部分則是由義大利選手貝拉蒂(Valentina Belotti)以12分54秒奪下。

Nearly 4,000 people battle their way up Taipei 101 on foot in Run-up Race (2013/05/05)

The annual Taipei 101 Run-up Race was held again Sunday. Nearly 4,000 competitors attempted the 390-meter climb up 2,046 stairs in a supreme test of stamina that even left a taekwondo Olympian exhausted. Australian Mark Bourne defended his title in just under 11 minutes. 

Taipei 101 Chairwoman Christina Sung and Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin rang the gong, sending off their respective business and city government teams up the tower. In the individual competition, one of the notables was former taekwondo Olympian Su Li-wen, who was given jersey no. 101. 

Su Li-wen
Taekwondo Olympian
Taking on this different challenge is like taking on a mountain. After climbing for two minutes, you feel like resting for a minute. But actually it was pretty good; I never gave up.

One competitor ahead of Su was 64-year-old Syue Cing-guang, who went up the stairs backwards. 

Syue Cing-guang
Taipei 101 Race Competitor
For your legs to climb backwards and get up over a step, that goes against the way people typically move. 

The competition is in its ninth year, and one regular, 96-year-old Peng Hong-nian, was back at it Sunday. He completed the course.

Peng Hong-nian
Taipei 101 Race Competitor
Of course it’s tiring. It’s really hard to catch your breath. That’s just the way it is.

Australian Mark Bourne defended his title in the men’s division in a time of 10 minutes 52 seconds. Italian Valentina Belotti won the women’s division in 12 minutes, 54 seconds.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞



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