




[[前海基會董事長 江丙坤(4.28)]]


[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]


[[文化部長 龍應台]]


Former SEF chairman recommends broadcasting Chinese news in Taiwan (2013/04/29)

The recommendation by a former lead negotiator to China to let Chinese news stations broadcast in Taiwan has sparked intense debate. Members of the opposition DPP slammed former Straits Exchange Foundation Chairman Chiang Pin-kung for promoting news controlled by Beijing. Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai says that Taiwan shouldn’t broadcast Chinese TV channels until China reciprocates. 

Whenever Phoenix Television news refers to Ma Ying-jeou, it avoids using the word “president” and instead uses the phrase “Taiwan leader.”

Hong Kong and Macao media not only refuse to say “President Ma,” they are also not allowed to show the ROC flag or images of the Presidential Office. Despite these prohibitions, former SEF Chairman Chiang Pin-kung advised Ma to allow these stations to operate in Taiwan.

Chiang Pin-kung (April 28)
Former SEF Chairman
I recommended that the president allow Phoenix’s and CCTV’s international news to be broadcast locally so we could watch more international news instead of all the gossip that is on television now. This would be a way to improve our future news programs.

Chiang made his remarks yesterday and immediately attracted criticism from the pan-green camp.

Annette Lu
Former Vice President
I don’t know what’s wrong with (Chiang Pin-kung). Either he is too old or there is a problem with his brain or his heart.

CCTV news would have to receive government approval before it would receive broadcast rights in Taiwan. And considering the fact that China has yet to permit Taiwan channels to broadcast in its territory, some Taiwan officials believe that unequal terms will never be accepted.

Lung Ying-tai
Culture Minister
If the mainland allows our TV channels to broadcast in their territory then we would have a basis for discussion. 

Chiang’s comments have triggered lots of debate, though he wasn’t willing to discuss the issue further with the media during today’s commemorative event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Koo-Wang talks.


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