At nine o’clock in the morning in a garden shed behind a house in Amsterdam, a handful of alcoholics are getting ready to clean the surrounding streets, beer and cigarette in hand.
For a day’s work, the men receive 10 euros(around $13), a half-packet of rolling tobacco and, most importantly, five cans of beer:two to start the day, two at lunch and one for after work.
"This group of chronic alcoholics was causing a nuisance in Amsterdam’s Oosterpark:fights, noise, disagreeable comments to women," said Gerrie Holterman, who heads the Rainbow Foundation project.
"The aim is to keep them occupied, to get them doing something so they no longer cause trouble at the park," she told AFP.
surrounding:形容詞,周邊的。例句:A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the surrounding countryside.(這所學校的學生很多不住在鎮上,而是從周邊鄉村來就讀。)
nuisance:名詞,討厭的人事物,麻煩事。例句:It’s such a nuisance having to rewrite those letters.(得重寫那些信真是麻煩。)
disagreeable:形容詞,令人不快的。例句:She said some very disagreeable things.(她說了些讓人不悅的話。)