



[[台北市議員(民) 劉耀仁]]
“怎麼會想到說,用有攻擊性的竹竿來驅離民眾,一邊用竹竿來驅離民眾,一邊分局長說 大家要理性 理性,到底是誰不理性阿?”


[[台北市中正一警分局長 方仰寧]]


[[台北市議員(台聯) 陳建銘]]
“如果你們用各種方式,把他們當暴民來處理,未來這些勞工運動 就會越來越激烈”


Police express regret for heavy-handed approach against demonstrators (2013/05/03)

Taipei police have expressed regret after footage emerged of officers jabbing demonstrators with bamboo poles. The compunction comes after the police initially dismissed complaints by implying that protecting barricades is more important than the safety of demonstrators. 

Police jab blue, red and green bamboo poles at demonstrators on the opposite side of the barricade. These images are from in front of the Executive Yuan on International Workers’ Day on May 1. Pan-green city councilors say the police were out of line.

Liu Yao-ren
DPP Taipei City Councilor
What made them think they should use bamboo poles to disperse protesters? These are weapons. As they jabbed with these bamboo poles, the police chief urged everyone to act rationally. Which side do you think was acting irrationally?

The precinct chief implied that police barricades were more important than safety of the protesters.

Fang Yang-ning
Chief, Zhongzheng 1st Precinct
The barricades are part of our equipment. We police have a responsibility to protect our equipment.

The police said they took the demonstrators’ safety into account by covering the bamboo poles with grease and plastic. But the demonstrators say that they were still injured. 

Chen Chien-ming
TSU Taipei City Councilor
If you treat them like a mob then future worker protests will become more intense.

The precinct eventually expressed regret for using the bamboo sticks.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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