


狗狗討喜的模樣,讓很多人喜歡又摟又親,但親密的接觸卻隱藏危機! 台北一位14歲的少年,左眼視力莫名其妙開始變差,多方求醫才發現,居然是被犬蛔蟲侵蝕到眼睛。


[[北醫寄生蟲學系主任 范家?]]


Dog roundworm nearly blinds 14-year-old boy (2013/05/02)

While dogs are affectionate and lovable pets, their parasites may be hazardous to humans. A 14-year-old boy’s eyesight began to deteriorate after becoming infected with dog roundworm. Fortunately a diagnosis was made early and his health is recovering after treatment. 

Dog-lovers frequently stroke and kiss their pets. However, affectionate contact with canines is potentially dangerous. The eyesight of a 14-year-old boy began to deteriorate after contact with dogs. After medical investigation, it was found that his eye had been infected with a species of parasite commonly referred to as “dog roundworm.”

If fertilized eggs are ingested through contact with dogs, roundworms can infect human organs through the digestive system and the bloodstream. Dog roundworm infections can cause blindness or lung inflammation. 

Fan Chia-kwung
Prof. of Parasitology, Taipei Medical University
It can move within organs, and can also move inside the eye. The movement is while it is alive. But these larvae don’t die. When problems occur with the host’s immune system or when other issues occur, they can break through the surrounding granuloma and begin to infect other organs.

Doctors remind dog-lovers to wash their hands after contact with their pets.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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