[[台北地方法院發言人 黃俊明]]
[[林益世委任律師 陳松棟]]
[[民進黨前主席 蔡英文]]
Opposition party says sentence for former Cabinet official falls short of expectations (2013/04/30)
Prosecutors had sought a life sentence for a former KMT Cabinet official accused of extorting bribes and jail terms for four of his family members accused of related crimes. On Tuesday Lin Yi-shih was found guilty of lesser crimes and sentenced to seven years, four months. The other defendants were found not guilty.
On Tuesday afternoon Lin Yi-shih and his wife Peng Ai-chia left their home to go to their lawyers’ office. It was there they heard the verdict.
Huang Chun-ming
Taipei District Court Spokesman
The corrupt acts carried out by the defendant Lin Yi-shih do not meet the conditions for corruption contained in the Anti-Corruption Act. But he did take advantage of his authority, using the rights and opportunities afforded to him by his position, to profit through menacing actions.
In the first verdict, judges found that Lin helped slag factory operator Chen Chi-hsiang reach deals with China Steel and CHC Resource Corp. They agree that he profited to the tune of NT$63 million, but do not feel that it constituted bribery, as prosecutors tried to show.Instead the judges felt it constituted a civil servant obtaining property by threat. For this, they sentenced him to five years, six months. They sentenced him to another two years for failing to account for an increase in property inconsistent with his earnings. They combined these sentences, giving Lin seven years, four months in jail and taking away his civil rights for five years. He was fined NT$15.8 million. Illegal earnings that had already been seized will be confiscated.
Chen Sung-dung
Lin’s Defense Attorney
The defendant regrets that the court found him guilty on certain accounts. We will research whether to appeal these rulings.
Many were shocked that the court did not find that Lin’s crimes amounted to corruption. His mother, Shen Juo-lan, had also been accused of accepting bribes, and his wife, Peng Ai-chia and two uncles were accused of money laundering. All were found not guilty. Former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen disagreed with the court’s ruling.
Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
I think there was a major disparity between the verdicts and what observers had come to expect. We expect the courts to adhere to the same standards for cases that have the same or similar merits.
Prosecutors had described Lin as a tyrant who used his power for ill-gain. They requested life in prison. After failing to get that on Tuesday, they said they plan to appeal.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞