“因為現在什麼都漲啊 我們的薪水像我們當保母的 我們一個月除了補助 還要被扣還要被降低 家長也會要求說他們的薪水也很少啊”
不見政府出面回應,勞工企圖要衝撞拒馬,警方趕緊制止,雙方爆發激烈衝突 !
On May Day workers take to the streets of Taipei (2013/05/01)
On International Workers’ Day thousands braved the rain in Taipei to protest against labor conditions. They want guarantees that bankrupt companies fulfill retirement and severance obligations, and they are urging the government to scrap proposed pension reform.
More than 20,000 gathered to show their anger to the government.
Prices of everything have gone up. Salaries for us nannies are falling, and what’s left is deducted. We only have a small subsidy. Parents tell us that their salaries are low.
Labor pension reform will mean higher premiums and lower retirement packages. Workers say they won’t be able to survive. They held a protest, walking to the entrance of the Executive Yuan and demanding that Premier Jiang Yi-huah come out to listen to their demands.
When Jiang didn’t show, the workers planned to storm the barricades. As police stopped them pushing and shoving broke out.
The workers want money for severance and retirement included in arrear wage payment funds, so they get owed money even if companies go bankrupt. They asked for abolishment of the designated responsibility system, which Taiwanese employers exploit to require that workers do overtime for no pay. And they urged lawmakers to sign a petition opposing the government’s proposed pension reform. Members of the DPP, PFP and TSU signed, but the ruling KMT did not.
Toward evening President Ma Ying-jeou and Premier Jiang Yi-huah gave a response. They said the government respects and will listen to labor.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞