針對昨日張家界的嚴重翻車事件,開車的駕駛目前,仍被當地公安訊問要釐清肇事責任。不過外界猜測,駕駛司機是否是為了趕路,而沒保持行車安全距離 ?
[[雄獅旅行社協理 游國珍]]
[[旅客 張宗明]]
“有一部小轎車打滑,打滑就在那邊滾,滾的時候(遊覽車)緊急煞車,不然會撞到它(小轎車) ,遊覽車緊急煞車,一煞車,遊覽車這麼高就甩尾了,甩尾時駕駛要硬轉過來,已經上到旁邊的護欄上面了”
死者家屬,可獲得意外險、醫療險共213萬元,仍在考慮是否要當地火化; 至於倖存旅客,除了一名傷勢較重的梅姓旅客外,其餘最快5月1號可以返回台。
Driver of tour bus questioned over deadly crash (2013/04/30)
Police in China are still trying to determine responsibility for the tour bus crash in China that killed three Taiwanese tourists and injured another 11. Most of the injured will be able to return to Taiwan as early as Wednesday while families of the deceased are deciding whether the victims should be cremated in China or Taiwan.
The accident occurred as the bus was on route to Hunan province’s Zhangjiajie. Police on Tuesday questioned the driver of the bus. Many people think the bus might have been traveling too quickly or tailgating, though the Taiwanese travel agency that arranged the trip disagrees
Andy Yu
Lion Travel Assistant Manager
It wasn’t a rushed itinerary, and the driver wasn’t going too quickly, probably 60 to 70 kilometers an hour at the time. An accident suddenly occurred 200 to 300 meters ahead of the bus, and visibility was poor. These factors caused the accident.
A passenger on the bus seemed to tremble when describing the fatal turn of events.
Chang Tsong-ming
When a small passenger vehicle slid the tour bus driver slammed on the brakes. Otherwise the bus would have hit it. But slamming on the brakes caused the bus to fishtail. The driver had to force it back, but by then it had already slammed into the side rail.
Family of victims who died can receive NT$2.13 million in accident and medical insurance. They are still deciding whether to cremate the deceased in China. As for the 11 injured tourists, 10 could return to Taiwan as early as Wednesday, while one who was seriously injured will have to remain in China.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞