


[[藝人 張懸]]


[[陸委會主委 王郁琦]]



The Mainland Affairs Council has come to the defense of a Taiwanese singer criticized for displaying the Taiwan flag. Deserts Chang unfurled a flag fans brought to a concert she gave in the United Kingdom and was quickly met with jeers from a Chinese woman in attendance. 

This is Deserts Chang, happily displaying the Taiwanese national flag during a concert at the University of Manchester. Taiwanese exchange students in the front row brought the flag, and Chang held it and said it was the flag of her home country. The seemingly innocent exchange led a Chinese exchange student to shout out that “today was not right for discussing politics.”

Deserts Chang
The person who just told me not to discuss politics probably learned this from TV or a movie. I don’t think seeing any country’s flag would make me upset.

On Facebook, Chang mentioned that she didn’t bring the flag herself or display it with a particular purpose in mind. When news of the incident reached Taiwan, the Mainland Affairs Council minister defended the singer.

Wang Yu-chi
Minister, Mainland Affairs Council
I found her behavior to be rather adorable and her response to be quite appropriate. I wholeheartedly hope that young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can increase their understanding of one another and become good friends.

In China, some people have vowed to boycott a concert Chang has scheduled for the end of the year in Beijing. Chang simply hopes that people can calm down, and if they don’t, she is willing to cancel the China show and accept responsibility for the losses.









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